
ān shén wán
  • Anshen Pill;Sedative Bolus
  1. 目的:建立泻肝安神丸的定性及定量方法。

    Objective : To develop the qualitative and quantitative methods for quality control of Xiegan Anshen pills .

  2. 意义:花一点时间来思考一下你的思维、呼吸、姿势以及诸如此类的事情对整体的认知功能会有好处,这样做与待在图书馆里86个小时靠吃安神丸来集中注意力正好相反。

    IMPLICATIONS : Taking time to think about your thoughts , breathing , posture , and the like can be valuable to overall cognitive functioning . This is the opposite of staying in a library for 86 hours fueled by Adderrall and anxiety .

  3. 安神补心丸薄膜包衣工艺研究

    Studies on Film Coating Technology of Anshen Buxin Pills

  4. 目的改进安神补心丸糖衣工艺,提高成品稳定性和扩大适用人群。

    Objective Improve sugar coating and finished product stability to be fit for users .

  5. 安神定志丸安神作用研究

    Study on the Effects of Relieving Uneasiness of Anshen Dingzhi Wan