- 网络ankang hydropower station

Electric design of 100 t vertical ship lift in Ankang Hydropower Station
100t vertical ship lift in Ankang Hydropower Station vertically lifts the upstream ship through gantry crane mechanism from No. 18 and No. 19 dam sections to the dam top and then transports it horizontally to the ship channel in the downstream .
Hydraulic Prototype Observation of the Outlet Structures at the Ankang Hydropower Station
Deformation Obervation Network At the Dam Site Area of Ankang Hydropower station
The Operation of Ankang Hydropower Station in Power System
Operation performance optimization for turbines of Ankang Hydropower Station
Study on Checking Energy Index for Ankang Hydropower Station
The surface hole of pre-stress gate frusta optimizing design in Ankang waterpower station
Calculation & Analysis of Regulation Stability of Unit 1 , Ankang Hydropower Station
Discussions on some problems of dam safety monitoring system of the Ankang Hydropower Station
On Relation of indirect Precipitation index of Han River Ankang Hydropower Station With Sunspot Activity
Stability analysis of No.2 compound landslide on the right tailwater bank of Ankang Hydropower Station
Application of a new repair technique in the left bank middle outlet of Ankang hydropower station
Analysis on the damage causes of the stilling basin for the Ankang Hydropower Station and its reinforcement
Curved prestressed cables were used for strengthening gate piers at the central span at the Ankang hydropower station .
A three-dimensional seepage study on this electrical network for the left bank of Ankang water power station were carried out , and the test results were satisfied the design requirements .
Based on a large number of investigations and analysis of excitation settings and their performance in homeland , this paper presents a better project , which adapts to the alteration of excitation system in an_kang hydropower plant-excitation system on double microcomputer .
The old excitation setting in an_kang hydro power plant restricts the development of the microcomputer regulator of speed , microcomputer protection and the computer supervisor and control that has altered , has become a bottleneck in improving the level of automation in power plant .
In the light of specific condition of unit 1 in Ankang Hydropower Station , calculation and analysis are conducted for the regulation stability and quality in the process of load regulation . The data setting to improve regulation stability and problems to be noticed are set forth .