
  • 网络angora goat
  1. 安哥拉山羊、济宁青山羊、槐山羊皮肤组织结构特点的研究

    A study on the histological structure of the skin of angora , Jining Grey and Huai goats

  2. 干旱生态经济条件下,安哥拉山羊、中卫山羊及F1代羊羊毛纤维中硫元素含量研究

    Study on the Amounts of Sulphur in Fibres of Angora Goats , Zhongwei Goats and F1

  3. 研究了安哥拉山羊与陕北土种山羊杂交一代(F1)周岁母羊的产绒特性。

    Down producing characteristics of F 1 ( Angora × local goat ) yearling does were studied in this paper .

  4. 群体内DNA指纹平均相似系数安哥拉山羊F2、F3分别为0.4539,0.4077和0.6111;

    The mean band similarity coefficient is 0.4539 in Angora goats , 0.4077 in F 2 , and 0.6111 in F 3 ;

  5. F2和F3血清LDHH、红细胞ESD1基因频率已趋近安哥拉山羊公羊,与各酶带Rf值、毛质变异规律相同。

    This tendency are alike with the law of Rf value of every zone of enzyme and variation of fleece quality .

  6. 群体内相似系数安哥拉山羊为0.4539,F2为0.4077,F3为0.6111;

    The similar coeffcients in population of Angora goat , F 2 . F 3 are 0.4539,0.4077, 0.6111 respectively ;

  7. 安哥拉山羊的叫做mohair。安哥拉羊毛用于毛线衫,围巾,外套和其他产品,包括地毯和毛绒玩具。

    Angora goats produce Mohair is used in sweaters , scarves , coats and other products including floor covering and doll hair .

  8. 应用寡苷酸探针(CA/GATA/TCC)5检测安哥拉山羊和安哥拉山羊级进杂交F2、F3的DNA指纹图谱.结果表明,供试羊只个体平均检出18.2±0.4条谱带;

    DNA fingerprints of Angora goats and their upgrading F 2 , F 3 were established by oligonucleotide ( CA / GATA / TCC ) 5 . The results are as follows : ( 1 ) The average number of bands are 18.2 ± 0.4 per individual ;

  9. 但单纤维强度仅14.49±2.36g,显著低于安哥拉山羊所产马海毛的强度。

    But the strength of single fiber was 14.49 ± 2.36g , it was lower than Angora ( P < 0.01 ) .

  10. 安哥拉山羊胚胎徒手分割和移植试验

    The Study on Free-splitting and Transfer of Embryos in Angora Goats

  11. 安哥拉山羊杂交后代羊毛光泽及鳞片超微结构

    Fibres Scale Ultrastructure and Luster of Angora Goat and Their Crossbred

  12. 安哥拉山羊对陕北黄土高原环境适应情况观测研究报告

    On Adaptability of Angora Goat in Loess Plateau of North Shaanxi

  13. 利用安哥拉山羊改良本地山羊现状及今后的设想

    Improving Local Goat Qualities with Angola Goat and Its Future Development

  14. 安哥拉山羊与建昌黑山羊杂交效应分析

    Analysis of Crossbreeding Effect of Angora Goat and Jianchang Black Goat

  15. 四川引种安哥拉山羊可行性报告

    A Report on the Possibility of Introducing Angora Goat into Sichuan Province

  16. 用安哥拉山羊或兔的毛纺成的毛纱或制成的毛呢

    Yarn or material made from the hair of angora goats or rabbits

  17. 安哥拉山羊对高寒牧区的适应性观察

    Observation of Adaptability of Angora Goat for Alpine - arctic Pastoral Zone

  18. 安哥拉山羊级进杂交后代被毛性状变化

    Change of Fleece Characters with Upgrading Generations of Angora Goat

  19. 应用胚胎移植技术加速安哥拉山羊的繁殖

    A Study on Speeding Reproduction of Angora Goats Using Embryo Transfer Technique

  20. 安哥拉山羊与其杂交后代毛纤维氨基酸分析研究

    Analysis on the Amino Acid in Fibre of Angora Goats and Their Crossbred

  21. 安哥拉山羊胚胎的手术回收和移植

    Surgical Collection and Transfer of Embryos in Angora Goat

  22. 剪毛过后,安哥拉山羊需要大约一个月的特别护理来防御寒冬。

    Angoras may need special the cold for about a month after shearing .

  23. 安哥拉山羊变老时,它们的羊毛会变粗,就不那么值钱了。

    As Angoras get older , their hair becomes thicker and less valuable .

  24. 引进新西兰安哥拉山羊改良国内安哥拉山羊的研究

    Study on Improving Domestic Breeding Flock by Introducing Angora Goat from New Zealand

  25. 安哥拉山羊与陕北本地山羊级进杂交效果的研究

    Studies on Upgrading Efficiency of Angora Goats to Local Goats in North Shaanxi

  26. 安哥拉山羊与中国马海毛研究进展

    Research Progress on Angora Goat and Chinese Mohair

  27. 安哥拉山羊与本地山羊杂交试验

    Hybrid Test of Angora goat and local goat

  28. 剪羊毛后,安哥拉山羊大约需要一个月的特殊御寒措施。

    Angoras may need special protection from the cold for about a month after shearing .

  29. 安哥拉山羊染色体核型分析

    Analysis on Chromosme Karyotype of Angora Goat

  30. 安哥拉山羊胚胎冷冻试验

    Embryo Freezing in Angora Goats