
We were alone , completely private , with not even Angela present .
The man smiled and put five-dollar coininto Angela 's collection bag .
" You made it ! " laughed Angela .
On the flag day , Tom and Angela sold flags in a busy street .
The girl was called Angela .
In the next couple of hours , Angela and Tom sold flags quickly and bravely .
Everyone was happy for Angela .
The National Science Teachers Association ( NSTA ) gave the 2015 Angela Award to Gracie Goodpasture .
" I did it ! " said Angela happily . " It 's your turn now . "
" Ex-cuse me , Could y-o-u pl-ea-sebuy ... ? " said Angela softly to the first person she met .
然而,当我祖父看着我在卡车上的画时,他大声地笑了,"安吉拉,那是我见过的最漂亮的卡车!我喜欢! "
However , when my grandfather looked at my paintings on the truck , he laughed loudly , " Angela , that 's the prettiest truck I 've ever seen ! I love it ! "
Angela broke Brad 's heart last year .
Angela studied ballet for six years .
The reports coincided with the visit to China of Angela Merkel , the German chancellor .
Born in Dallas , Angela Braly followed up her undergraduate years at Texas Tech University by heading to law school at Southern Methodist University School of Law .
Angela Merkel , the chancellor , has been driven to assure German voters publicly that their savings are safe .
Germany 's attempt to erect a protective barrier against unwanted foreign investors has become hostage to the mounting political tensions in Chancellor Angela Merkel 's fractious grand coalition .
They want not only nice properties but a feel-good factor , says Angela Ramsey , who manages the Oakley estate agency , another independent business in town .
Scott Gimple became Chief Content Officer of the Walking Dead franchise , and Angela Kang was promoted to showrunner in his place .
Angela Merkel , German chancellor , and Nicolas Sarkozy , president of France , believe so-called sovereign funds sometimes buy European companies for political and other reasons .
He reached out to America 's allies , particularly through his second secretary of state , Condoleezza Rice , establishing good relations with France 's Nicolas Sarkozy and Germany 's Angela Merkel ;
With its expansive glass fa ? Ade and dramatic curves , the site had previously hosted state dinners for French President Nicolas Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angela Merkel .
' I hope that others will be influenced by her great personal style , 'said designer Angela Missoni in an email .
Angela : But the Minnesota McQ 's are the favorites by a wide margin .
Among fictional examples , consider the television comedy " The Office : " Who in his or her right mind would promote the cold , manipulative Angela Martin over the amiable Jim Halpert ?
The prime minister said the election of Nicolas Sarkozy as French president and Angela Merkel as German chancellor meant there was now every possibility of achieving economic change in the European Union .
The extent to which Mr Sarkozy continues to attack the bank could affect his early relationship with Angela Merkel , German chancellor , who believes its independence is a cornerstone of the euro .
In recruiting Burberry ( burby ) CEO Angela ahrendts to head its retail and online unit , apple ( AAPL ) is acquiring a design fanatic , a digital evangelist , and a master of millennial marketing .
But Angela Merkel , German chancellor , is right in believing that the core of the Nato alliance is its Article V guarantee that an attack on one member should be regarded as an attack on all .
Last May , burberry CEO Angela ahrendts flew to California from her London headquarters to introduce herself to an executive she thought could be critical to the future of her business : salesforce .