
  • audio mixing;Mixing;Remix;Mixer
  1. 提出了一种名为GAM的基于GPGPU的多目的混音算法。

    GPGPU accelerated audio mixing algorithm for multi-party collaboration namely GAM is introduced .

  2. 混音平台是混音工作的重要核心。

    Audio mixing platform is the important core of mixing work .

  3. 两首曲目都是她即将推出的专辑歌曲的混音版本。

    Both tracks are remixed versions of tracks from her forthcoming album .

  4. 新专辑主要收录了一些他们曾风靡一时的老歌的混音版本。

    Their new album features remixes of some of their previous hits .

  5. AnyoneElseHereBecauseof…?各种视频里你都可能见到这种评论。游戏里的音乐原声视频,混音师提到的原音乐视频,类似这种的都会出现这条评论。

    A music track featured in a video game , an original video referenced by a remixer , and similar ones always have comments like this .

  6. 基于VOIP的多媒体会议混音模型

    Audio Mixing Model In Multimedia Conference Base On VOIP

  7. systems)以及声音环境(acousticallyharshrooms),它们决定了在阿卡贝拉比赛中配备一个混音工程师是非常关键的。

    A.systems , and acoustically harsh rooms make it essential to have a mixing engineer with acappella experience .

  8. 文章的最后结合混音方案提出了一种具有级联会议功能IP电话会议系统架构。

    Finally , based on the scheme of audio mixing , an architecture of IP conference system is proposed , which can provide cascade conferences .

  9. 最后,中继服务器集成了MCU功能,因而可以作为MCU会议服务器提供多点会议的管理和混音功能。

    At last , the server can act as the MCU Conference Server to manage multipoint conferences and mix voice .

  10. 近日,美国前总统出现在了音乐剧《汉密尔顿》歌曲《最后一回》的混音版MV当中。

    The former president appears on ' Hamilton 's ' " One Last Time " remix .

  11. 这种配置用的是外线路电平麦克风混音器,与VCR一同使用。

    This configuration use an external line level microphone mixer along with a vcr .

  12. 为了解决这个问题,对基于P2P技术的网络音频捕获与多路混音算法展开研究意义重大。

    For this problem , there is a great significance do a research about the network audio capture and multi-mixing algorithm based on P2P technology .

  13. 我喜欢DJ混音各种不同音乐的方式。

    I like the way this DJ mixes up different types of music .

  14. 例如,一个使用CreativeCommons许可的音乐作品可以进行私自下载和聆听,但不可以进行再混音或者用于商业目的。

    For example , a musical work licensed under Creative Commons may be downloaded and listened to privately , but not remixed or used for commercial purposes .

  15. 基于DirectSound技术的音频捕获与多路混音的实现

    Method of audio capture and multi-audio mixing based on DirectSound technology

  16. 该方案弥补了PDA等小设备计算能力弱的缺陷,同时又降低了服务器进行混音操作的运算量。

    The scheme skillfully offsets the weak computation of PDA and other small devices , at the same time reduces the calculation complexity of the server .

  17. 经过长期的辛劳写作以及彻底的修改,这张“混音”成功地将卑微的的DJ音响师和制片人们变成了巨星。

    From extended workouts to radical reworkings , the ´ remix ´ has managed to turn humble DJs and producers into superstars .

  18. 但是混音平台对于混音过程中的创作性及最终音色的影响还是真实存在的,即便是inthebox方式中,不同的内部运算精度也将对混音结果产生明显的影响。

    However , the mixing platform does have a great influence on the creation in the mixing process and final timbre , even in the " in the box " model ; different internal operation precision of mixing results in apparent effects .

  19. 音频工作站MPEG-ILayer-II码流快速解码混音

    Fast decoding and mixing of MPEG-I Layer-II bit streams in Audio workstation

  20. 文中主要介绍了基于DirectSound的混音与放音的原理与实现的具体步骤,并对实现方法及用到的各API函数进行了具体的分析。

    This paper introduces the implementation of sound mix and sound play based on DirectSound and analyzes the method for sound mix and sound play as well as its API function .

  21. 然后详尽的阐述了基于嵌入式Linux的实时语音传输设计方案,该方案采用了环形多缓冲技术和多线程技术实现了基于RTP的多播音频会议,并对多路混音提出了解决方案;

    Afterward provided a real-time voice transmission resolution upon embedded Linux . This resolution adopted multiple ring buffer and multi-thread technology to implement multicast audio meeting based on RTP / RTCP , supply resolved means on multiple voice synchronization ;

  22. 17岁的时候,他想成为DJ,在父母的允许下,他溜进城里的一些夜总会练习混音技巧。

    When he was 17 , he wanted to be a DJ and , with his parents ' blessing , sneaked into nightclubs in the city to practise his mixing skills .

  23. 探讨了利用DirectSound技术实现声音的混音、回放和3D效果的原理及处理过程,实现了机车声音仿真的3D音效和多普勒效应。

    At last , the paper discusses the principle and the process of disposal of using DirectSound technology to realize real time sound synthesization , playback and 3D sound effect , and realize 3D effect and Doppler Effect of the sound simulation .

  24. 俱乐部里,一群20多岁、疯狂舞动的年轻人,穿着欧洲设计师设计的行头,在挂满了巨大镜球的电气化天花板下方舞动,大牌的俄罗斯DJ们则在霓虹灯照耀下的舞台上,打着混音后的流行和嘻哈劲曲。

    There , high-rolling 20-somethings in European designer outfits dance under an electrified ceiling covered in enormous mirror balls while big-name Russian D.J.s spin remixed pop and hip-hop hits on a stage lit up with neon LED .

  25. 情调特意参考20世纪80年代冷冻酸奶全盛时期,以SpandauBallet等当代乐队重新混音的音乐为背景,强化了这种情调。

    The mood , which deliberately refers back to the frozen yoghurt heyday of the 1980s , is reinforced by the use as background music of remixed hits by bands of the period such as Spandau Ballet .

  26. 为了录房间的声音,我用了D36B,我希望可以用它录进一些环境音,就算是在混音后听起来并不明显。

    For the room I used the D36B , thinking that I 'd be able to capture the ambience , even if it is low in the mix .

  27. 同时,针对系统中涉及到的音频压缩算法、混音算法、RTP/RTCP网络传输协议、组播技术、NAT穿透技术、网络安全等方面的技术进行了理论分析和应用设计。

    Meanwhile , the author has made a deeply theory study and application design in speech encoding , audio mix arithmetic , RTP / RTCP protocol , multicast technology , NAT passing through technology , network security and so on , which are referred to in the system .

  28. ALSA提供了很多的混音控制,可能你会觉得不很清楚如何让它从指定的输入进行录音,其实,这是相当简单的事情。

    ALSA provides a lot of mixer controls , and it is not always obvious how to enable recording from a specific input , although as soon as you get the idea it turns to be relatively simple .

  29. 实验表明,用该算法进行8路MPEG-ILayer-II解码混音时,在PI-II600MHz的PC机达到了0.25倍实时的解码速度,完全满足了专业数字音频工作站的要求。

    By experiments , the algorithm uses only a quarter of the real time when mixing 8 MPEG-I layer-II bitstreams by PIII 600 MHz PC and this completely satisfies the requirement of professional digital audio station .

  30. 然后,我回到泥,和混音,一个。

    Then I went back to Mud , and remixed that one .