
  1. 我们看到的是宇宙星体的一面。

    We see one side of the universe and stars .

  2. 这款应用被称为“世界天文镜”,它使用户真正了解到世界各地正在发生的事,同时它还定位了宇宙中的星体,包括太阳系和一切地球以外的星体。

    The application is called the world wide telescope and it gives people a real time view of what 's happening in space around the earth . It also maps out the planets , the solar system and anything not on earth .

  3. 天文学所必须研究的是浩瀚宇宙中的最大星体;

    Astronomy has to deal with the largest bodies and the greatest of the universe ;

  4. 也许我们还可以探索地球内部,还有宇宙中的其它星体和星系……我们有理由相信,利用电子技术,还可以扩展人类的思维能力。

    Or perhaps we might receive them from the interior of the earth , or from the stars and galaxies .... there was reason to believe that facilities for impressing information and knowledge on the human brain ... may be extended by the direct application of electrical currents to the human body or brain ....