
  • 网络cosmochronology
  1. 近几年白矮星研究在理论与观测方面都取得了很大进展,这推动了白矮星宇宙纪年学的应用和发展。

    The recent significant progress on both the theoretical and observational researches on white dwarfs promotes the application and development of white dwarf cosmochronology .

  2. 介绍了白矮星宇宙纪年学研究的基本原理及其在银盘、球状星团、疏散星团以及银晕年龄确定方面的应用现状。

    We also describe the basic principle of white dwarf cosmochronology and its application in defining the age of the Galactic disk , globular clusters , open clusters and Galactic halo .