- 名extraterrestrial

It 's as if they were in some sense cosmic beings .
Fel Orc sent into space to fight for the demonic legion .
Yang Liwei , first Chinese astronaut , is the pride of Chinese people .
Its as if they were , in some sense , cosmic beings in violent and lovely contrast with us suburban creatures .
My kingdom is bounded only by the world , for I am not an italian , or a frenchman , or a hindu , or an american , or a spaniard & I am a cosmopolite .
Since vegetable growth , along with all life , extends itself in spiral motion , it would circumambulate the grid from center ring to outer , just as price and time do on Gann 's calculators .
Universe And Human : A Viewpoint from the Study of Systematic Dialectics
I don 't often meet people from another universe .
The light of the whole universe converges here .
By doing so , she expresses her thinking about the relationship between the universe and human .
As in the universe , so also within man himself : karmic process is inherent in everything .
They said that the universe would appear to the human eye to be a light greenish color , called turquoise .
In Occident culture , " from ancient Greek philosophy , it is surely established for . mankind 's separation from natural universe " .
On the basis of self-awareness , humanists explored the human values to establish the harmonic relationships and resolve contradicts among the universe , human world , and religion beliefs .
It is made up of three parts : part one focuses on the sun , the central symbol to suggest the indifference and hostility of Nature or Universe to man ;
The author maintains that the holography relationship between cosmos , person and language inevitably leads people to have instinct for beauty and the " dissipation structure " is the manifestation of human nature of seeking for beauty .
Relationship between Haven and Man The discussion about the relationship between the universe and man focused on whether " Heaven " was regarded as a supreme god with its own will , or whether it was simply nature with neither will nor purpose .
So God Created Cosmos and created Man , but with woman
In the broad universe , losing home , one feels cold with trembling .
In the world of soul and ghost and god , man is not the only life .
If the universe were to crush him , man would still be more noble than that which killed him .
In other hand , the harmonious aesthetic feeling comes from the harmonious of human and nature , the harmonious between humans .
" life is like Ephemera in the world , a drop in the sea ", in the vast universe , life is short .
Enlightened thinkers attacked the traditional view about cosmos and human beings with the view about the self - stipulated subject and the world as object .
Confusing cosmic elements are at play and when the dust clears later , you may be sorry you rushed and made some of the decisions you did .
The balance between instrumental rationality and value rationality has been broken , which lead to confront between science and humanism . Cosmic and life , reality and value , spirit and substance have been separated .
As the most primary form of human culture and the overall theory of the world , religion plays an important role in the construction of three dimensions of order : order between humans and the natural cosmos , order between humans , and order between humans and their mentality .
When it was finally over , the taikonaut , all alone in the vastness of space , felt like he had been reborn .
Doctor Strange , who before this trailer was known to be one of the MCU 's brightest minds , somehow agrees with Peter 's plea and begins casting a spell .
Those of you here that are Father indwelt are likely fused with it already , probably LONG AGO in fact .