
  • 网络Confucius classroom;Confucius Class
  1. 两年前,圣玛丽学校成为首个加入孔子课堂项目的学校。

    Two years ago , it became the first school in the country to join the Confucius Classroom program .

  2. 孔子课堂项目遍及40个国家,包括50多个美国学校和大学。

    The Confucius Classroom program is in about forty countries , including more than fifty American schools and universities .

  3. 我听说,百校组织当中有不少学校已经设立了孔子课堂或开展了汉语教学。

    Some schools of the100 Group , such as Brighton College and Kingsford Community School , have Confucius Classrooms .

  4. 本文探讨了缅甸曼德勒福庆孔子课堂初级汉语课的课堂教学环节及教学环节中的教学步骤。

    This paper investigates the processes and steps in elementary classroom teaching of Chinese lessons in FuQing Confucius School Mandalay , Myanmar .

  5. 从那以后,这个学区的课程蓬勃发展,吸引了许多客座教师参与其中,配备了孔子课堂的教学设备,而且学生们还即将前往中国展开一段中国之旅。

    Since then , the district 's program has blossomed to include multiple guest teachers , a Confucius Classroom learning facility and an upcoming student trip to China .

  6. 我也期待着孔子课堂早日在贵校开办,为你们学习中文、了解中国提供新的渠道。

    I hope a Confucius Institute will open in your college in the not-too-distant future . This will open up another channel to learn Chinese and understand China .

  7. 学校2005年在外语课里增加了汉语,并且在三年前成为美国第一所报名参加孔子课堂项目的高中。

    Mary 's added Mandarin to its foreign language curriculum in2005 , and three years ago , became the first school in the country to sign up for the Confucius Classroom program .

  8. 圣玛利学校是一所私立高中。学校2005年在外语课里增加了汉语,并且在三年前成为美国第一所报名参加孔子课堂项目的高中。

    St. Mary 's added Mandarin to its foreign language curriculum in 2005 , and three years ago , became the first school in the country to sign up for the Confucius Classroom program .

  9. 佩顿高中是美国几十所通过一个叫作“孔子课堂”的项目教授汉语和中华文化的高中之一。孔子课堂得到北京政府的部分资助。

    Walter Payton College Preparatory High School is one of dozens in the U.S. that offers Chinese language and cultural instruction through a program called " Confucius Classrooms , " which is partially funded by the Beijing government .

  10. 孔子课堂由中国教育部派遣一名教师前往美国一所学校,支付这名教师一半的工资和生活费,并提供课本和电脑软件等教材。

    Here 's how it works : The Chinese ministry of education sends a teacher to a school in the United States , pays about half of that teacher 's salary and living expenses , and supplies educational materials such as books and computer programs .

  11. 第三部分根据缅甸福庆孔子课堂初级汉语课的课堂教学,分别对词语、语法、课文以及课后练习的处理方式等的教学环节、以及各教学环节的教学步骤、教学方法等进行了分析。

    The third section is based on the elementary Chinese lessons ' classroom teaching in FuQing Confucius School , Myanmar , as to analyze the teaching processes pertaining to lexis , grammar , texts and exercises after class respectively , as well as its teaching steps and methods .

  12. 请尽快向国家汉办索取免费体验帐号和密码,尽早体验在孔子学院课堂教授长城汉语。

    Please contact Hanban to obtain the free trial User ID and Password , and to experience teaching Great Wall Chinese at your classroom as early as possible .

  13. 双方可充分发挥孔子学院及课堂的作用,同时把泰国在华设立文化中心的事情办好,促进两国文化交往。

    We may fully harness the role of Confucius Institutes and Classrooms and facilitate the successful establishment of a Thai culture center in China to promote cultural exchanges .

  14. 孔子学院和孔子课堂项目在其他地方不断发展。

    The Confucius Classroom program is expanding elsewhere , too .

  15. 中非双方合作在22个非洲国家设立了29所孔子学院或孔子课堂。

    China and Africa have set up 29 Confucius Institutes or Classrooms in 22 African countries .

  16. 第一届世界尼山文化论坛以及在海外蓬勃开展的孔子学院和孔子课堂,都是很有力的证明。

    First World Ni Shan Cultural Forum , and flourished in overseas Confucius Institutes and Confucius Classrooms are very strong proof .

  17. 汉语国际教育推广事业在全球范围内蓬勃发展,美国的孔子学院、孔子课堂发展如雨后春笋,整个美国的汉语教学发展势头强劲。

    With the rising momentum of the worldwide spreading of Chinese-teaching cause , Confucius Institutes and Confucius Classrooms in the United States are spring up fast .

  18. 近年来,国外一些孔子学院和孔子课堂已经开始尝试开设书法课程,这是一个良好的开端,但目前还处于尝试和探索阶段。

    Some Confucius Institute and Confucius Classroom in foreign countries have been trying to set up calligraphy class . This is an auspicious beginning , although it is still at the exploratory stage .

  19. 在国外,孔子学院和孔子课堂的数量不断增加;而在国内,对外汉语教学课程也不断增设。

    An increasing number of courses for Teaching Chinese as a Second Language have been opened at home ; meanwhile , more and more Confucius Classrooms and Confucius Institutes have also been set up abroad .

  20. 自2004年以来,中国已经在123个国家开办了465所孔子学院和713个孔子课堂。

    Since 2004 , China has set up 465 Confucius Institutes and 713 Confucius classrooms in 123 countries .

  21. 中国共在非洲26个国家(地区)开设了31所孔子学院和5个孔子课堂。

    China has also opened 31 Confucius Institutes and five Confucius Classrooms in 26 countries and regions of Africa .

  22. 今年,将在全球开放40个新的孔子学院和97个孔子课堂共有八个国家也加入该计划。

    This year , 40 new Confucius Institutes and97 Confucius Classrooms opened worldwide , while eight countries also joined the program .

  23. 孔子学院应努力为下设孔子课堂提供适合不同特点学生需要的教材,并制定针对性教学大纲。

    Each CI should make a greater effort to provide textbooks tailored to different student needs and devise relevant curricula .

  24. 孔子学院应着重从硬件设备、教学技术、管理模式、社会关系等方面为孔子课堂提供教学资源支持。

    The CI should provide teaching resources for the Confucius Classrooms in terms of hardware , teaching technology , management and social connections .

  25. 孔子学院北京总部表示,还有50多个国家的250家机构表示有兴趣成立自己的孔子学院或孔子课堂。

    According to the Confucius Institute Headquarters in Beijing , another 250 institutions from more than 50 countries have expressed interest in establishing their own Confucius Institutes or classrooms .