
  • 网络Uterine size
  1. 分析子宫大小与手术难度及手术技巧间的关系。

    The influence of uterine size on the difficulty of operation was studied .

  2. 结论子宫平滑肌肉瘤预后和临床分期、治疗方法、子宫大小、绝经因素等有明显关系,术后辅以化疗和放疗有可能提高生存率。

    CONCLUSIONS The clinical stage , treatment methods , uterine size and menopausal status generally are significantly prognostic factors . Postsurgical adjuvant radiotherapy and chemotherapy significantly improve survival .

  3. 方法:对产后不同时期的155例哺乳期妇女,经TVS观察子宫大小、内膜厚度、卵巢和卵泡变化情况。

    Methods : We observed the size of uterus , the thickness of endometrium and the alteration of ovary and follicles of the 155 feeding women at different periods through TVS .

  4. 用药前及用药3个周期后分别进行kupperman症状评分、阴道脱落细胞学评分、腹部彩超监测子宫大小及内膜厚度。

    We conducted Kupperman appraisal 、 exfoliative cytology appraisal of the vagina 、 measured the size of the uterine and the thickness of the endometrium by color ultrasound before and after the usage .

  5. 目的探讨正常绝经后妇女应用不同方案的激素替代疗法对更年期综合征症状的Kupperman评分、阴道脱落细胞学、子宫大小及内膜厚度的影响。

    Object To explore the effects of different kinds and doses of HRT on the Kupperman appraisal 、 exfoliative cytology of the vagina 、 size of the uterus and the thickness of the endometrium .

  6. 观察月经情况、子宫大小、内膜厚度,激素水平。

    The size of uterus , thickness of endometrium and level of hormone were observed .

  7. 检查医生一般对照妊娠子宫大小来描述子宫的异常增大。

    Check the doctor general control pregnancy to describe the uterus size uterus abnormal increase .

  8. 他在旅馆里住了几个月,结识了那里的住客,拍摄了那里如同子宫大小但被他们称为家的地方。

    He lived there for several months , befriending residents and photographing the small , womb-like spaces that they call home .

  9. 随访3~36个月观察临床症状、肌瘤与子宫大小变化及卵巢内分泌功能变化。

    All patients were followed up for 3 to 36 months to observe the changes of clinical symptoms and uterine myomata size and ovarian function .

  10. 结果:子宫大小、子宫修复层厚径及修复层血管的阻力指数在术后呈现下降、上升、再下降的规律性变化;

    Resuts : The size of uterus , the repairing layer thickness and the artery resistance index ( RI ) showed markedly changes following TCRE .

  11. 由橡胶或塑料制成的柔韧性强的圆形杯状避孕工具;适合子宫大小装有杀精子剂。

    A contraceptive device consisting of a flexible dome-shaped cup made of rubber or plastic ; it is filled with spermicide and fitted over the uterine cervix .

  12. 2组治疗前后血红蛋白值和子宫大小比较,差异均有显著性意义(P<0.05),而治疗后2组比较,差异无显著性意义(P>0.05)。

    The hemoglobin value and size of uterus showed significant difference ( P < 0.05 ) after treatment but showed no difference ( P > 0.05 ) between two groups .

  13. 子宫大小:子宫小于妊娠3个月者38例,大于妊娠3个月者16例,5年生存率分别为553%及63%(P>005);

    Uterus size : 38 were smaller than a 3-month pregnant uterus and 16 larger than a 3-month pregnant uterus , the survival rate was 55.3 % and 6.3 % respectively ( P > 0 05 );

  14. 结果:治疗前后子宫大小无明显差异;子宫内膜厚度差异有显著性(P<0.05);

    Results : There was no significant difference in the size of uterus before and after treatment ( P > 0.05 ), but there was significant difference in the thickness of eadomerium ( P > 0.05 ) .

  15. 滋养细胞肿瘤患者子宫病灶大小与化疗疗程的关系

    The preliminary study for the relationship with the uterine lesions and chemotherapy in trophoblastic tumors

  16. 手术的成功与子宫的大小、形状、活动度,阴道的容量,肌瘤生长的部位以及术者的经验和技术有关。

    The successful operation was related to the size , mobility and shape of the uterus , compatibility of the vagina , position of the myoma , the operator 's skill and experiences .

  17. 采用治疗前和治疗后自身对照的方法,分别记录治疗前和治疗后症状积分(计算积分方法见附表2)、B超测量子宫肌瘤大小数值,进行对比研究。

    Before treatment and after treatment of self-control method used , respectively , recorded before treatment and after treatment of symptom score , size value of b-ultrasonic measurement of uterine myoma , conduct a comparative study .

  18. 于治疗前后均用B超监测子宫及肌瘤大小,测定肝、肾功能,并记录中医症候的计分。

    Before and after treatment were monitored by B-uterine and myoma size , measured in liver , kidney , and Chinese medicine symptom scoring record .

  19. 结论:根据子宫肿瘤的大小、形态、病灶周边及内部声像图特点、临床表现等综合分析,超声检查可明确诊断子宫肿瘤。

    Conclusion Ultrasonic examination could diagnose uterine tumor definitely combining with uterine size , shape , location , thickness of the uterus wall and its internal and exterual abnormal changes etc.

  20. 比较治疗前后子宫和肌瘤大小的变化,肝、肾功能的变化,以及对比治疗前后的中医症候计分。

    Uterine fibroids before and after treatment and changes in size , liver and renal function , as well as traditional Chinese medicine in treating symptoms before and after the scoring .

  21. 观察治疗前后患者临床表现与中医证候改善情况,子宫肌瘤的大小变化以及雌激素、孕激素变化情况。结论:1.治疗组对患者临床症状改善明显优于其他两组。

    Clinical performance before and after treatment with TCM to improve the situation , change the size of uterine fibroids and estrogen and progesterone changes . Conclusion : 1.Treatment group improved on clinical symptoms is superior to other groups .

  22. 各组卵巢内膜样囊肿大小亦明显小于治疗前A组(P<0·01),子宫腺肌病病灶大小显示治疗后B组与C组均明显小于治疗前A组(P<0·05、P<0·01)。

    Both the size of uterus in group B and C was significantly smaller than that in group A ( P < 0.05 and P < 0.01 , respectively ) .

  23. 与治疗前比较,子宫内膜异位病灶大小于治疗16周后下降了34%(P<0.01)。

    Reduction of 34 % in endometrial foci were observed at 16 weeks after treatment ( P < 0.01 ) .

  24. 在调查多种哺乳动物后得出的数据显示,幼体出生之前在子宫里发育的大小和所耗能量都是有限制的。

    Data from a wide range of mammals suggest that there is a limit to how large and energetically expensive a fetus can grow before it has to check out of the womb .

  25. 术中见:子宫后壁见大小不等的水泡样组织与长女胎盘相续,术后胎盘病理诊断为部分性葡萄胎。

    Intraoperative findings : There was a contents of uterine cavity , unequal-sized vesicular tissue ,, on the posterior uterine wall . The hydatidiform mole tissue was combined with the placental of the oldest daughter . Pathologic diagnosis of placenta was showed partial hydatidiform mole .

  26. 方法回顾分析2004年1月~2004年10月无子宫脱垂、子宫大小不超过20孕周的良性子宫疾病行TVH75例和LAVH69例临床资料。

    Methods The study retrospectively analyzed 75 cases of TVH ( TVH Group ) and 69 cases of LAVH ( LAVH Group ) from January 2004 to October 2004.All the patients were diagnosed as having benign uterine diseases , without uterine prolapse and less than 20 gestational weeks .

  27. 重点应观察卵巢的大小、卵泡的大小、卵泡的数目,子宫发育的程度、子宫的大小及是否有异常表现等。

    The emphasis was to observe the size and number of the ovary , ovarian follicle , the developmental degree and the size of the uterus and whether it were normal and so on .

  28. [结论](i)和子宫切除途径相关的主要因素为子宫大小、子宫下移度、子宫位置、阴道宽度4个指标。

    [ Conclusion ] ( 1 ) The main factors associate with the approach of TVH were uterus size , uterus descend remove , uterus position and vagina width .

  29. 方法:2004年11月-2006年7月我院妇科对30例良性子宫疾患且为非脱垂子宫,其大小相当于6~14孕周,实施改良阴式子宫切除术。

    Methods : Since November 2004 to July 2006 , there were 30 patients ( 6 ~ 14 pregnant-week-or-fewer big ) with uterine benign diseases and normal-positioned uterus for improved transvaginal hysterectomy .

  30. 方法采用腹部彩超与阴道彩色多普勒超声结合对照,观察子宫旁静脉的形状走行及血管内径和子宫体的大小进行对比分析。

    Methods : We used normal ultrasound and transvaginal color Doppler ultrasound to observe the shape , position and diameter of veins near uteri and the volumn of uteri and analyze them .