
zǐ yè
  • midnight
子夜 [zǐ yè]
  • [midnight] 半夜;午夜

子夜[zǐ yè]
  1. 她听见钟敲子夜12点。

    She heard the clock strike midnight .

  2. 子夜钟声响起的时候,仪式开始了。

    The ceremony started as the chimes of midnight struck .

  3. 往事已成空,还如一梦中。(李煜《子夜歌》)

    Past events have turned to emptiness , becoming like things in a dream .

  4. 亚暴期间高纬黄昏&子夜扇区极光弧增亮与衰减及其与IMF的关系

    Nightside auroral arcs in high latitudes during substorms and their relationship with IMF

  5. 向日极光弧则主要出现在子夜前后,子夜前比子夜后多,极向和天顶比赤道侧多。除向日极光弧外,其它形态的极光在中山站的出现情况与Kp指数相关。

    And except for the transpolar arcs , the appearance frequences of other three kinds of aurora are related with Kp index .

  6. 这是子夜时分,也是又一个圣诞节的开始。

    It was midnight and the beginning of another Christmas Day .

  7. 我们守候到子夜,迎接新的一年。

    We stayed up till midnight to see the New Year in .

  8. 共同的相似与发展&《不夜城》与《子夜》对比谈

    The Similarity and Development & Comparing City Without Night and Mid night

  9. 《子夜》的英雄悲剧叙事模式

    The Heroic Tragic Narrative Pattern in the novel of Midnight

  10. 子夜已过,我的40岁生日已经到来。

    It was past midnight , and my fortieth birthday had begun .

  11. 部队要在子夜前发起进攻。

    The army was to launch attack before midnight .

  12. 子夜后,泰姬玛哈大酒店响起了一连串的爆炸声。

    A series of explosions had rocked the Taj Mahal only despite midnight .

  13. 题记&如果,子夜想歌,有什么比叹息更畅怀?

    If , at midnight , what to make more than the sigh ?

  14. 新任总统将在今晚子夜就职。

    The new president assumes office at midnight tonight .

  15. 但是一定要在子夜前送过去。

    But it 's gotta be there by midnight .

  16. 超越的悲剧与悲剧的超越&论《子夜》的现代性

    Transcended Tragedy and Transcendence of Tragedy & On Modernism in the novel The Midnight

  17. 但那些在子夜后睡觉的人的就寝时刻较着少很多。

    But that amount of sleep dropped significantly for those in bed after midnight .

  18. 子夜时分的太阳(译者注:两极地区夏天深夜所见的太阳)以及一位单板滑雪者的背面。

    Back of snowboarder in the midnight sun .

  19. 从前一个阴郁的子夜,我虚弱而疲惫,陷入沉思。

    Once upon a midnight dreary , while I pondered , weak and weary .

  20. 淡妆浓抹总相宜&论《子夜》的结构艺术

    On the Structure of Arts of Midnight

  21. 子夜山雨季&20世纪30年代中国城乡生活的交响曲

    Midnight and Storm Season - The Symphony of Chinese Urban and Rural Life in the 1930s

  22. 某处的时钟敲响子夜的钟声。

    Somewhere a clock chimed midnight .

  23. 茅盾的著名小说《子夜》在叠词的运用上是很有成就的。

    The famous novel Midnight by Maodun achieved great success in the use of reduplicated words .

  24. 社会生活的全景式描绘&论茅盾的《子夜》等社会剖析小说

    The Panoramic Description of Social Life : On Such Social Analytical Novels as Midnight by Mao Dun

  25. 在梵蒂冈,主教本尼迪克特在传统的子夜弥撒时大声说世界的儿童。

    At the Vatican Pope Benedict spoke about the world 's children during the traditional midnight mass .

  26. 茅盾都市小说创作的审美新质&以《子夜》为中心

    New Aesthetic Attributes of Mao Dun 's Novels about Urban Life & Taking Midnight as an example

  27. 茅盾是中国现代著名作家,因小说《子夜》而闻名。

    Mao Dun is a famous writer in modern China , best known for the novel Midnight .

  28. 子夜将近时,两个探子骑马回来,还带着一个女俘虏。

    It was near midnight when two came riding back with a woman they had taken captive .

  29. 《子夜》的另一种解读

    Another explanation of Midnight

  30. 不过最流行的习俗,照样赶在子夜钟响过去把悉数葡萄都吃失!

    For most , the goal is to swallow all the grapes before the last stroke of midnight .