
pīn jū
  • cohabit;live together illicitly
姘居 [pīn jū]
  • [cohabit] 与姘夫或姘妇居住在一起

  1. 背地里,我们选择罪恶地姘居或过着独居生活;

    Privately , we 're choosing to live in sin or by our lonesomes .

  2. 在婚姻领域:姘居;婚外情;第三者插足;乃至重婚等现象都时有发生。

    In marriage PinJu ; field : Adultery ; A third person jumping into ; And even bigamy etc. Phenomenon are often happened .

  3. 事实婚姻符合婚姻的实质条件,有着婚姻的内核,因此其区别于非法同居、非婚同居、姘居、重婚等相似的概念。

    So it is different from a illicit cohabitation , a unmarried cohabitation , a cohabitation that the married man and woman live illicitly as husband and wife , a bigamy and so on similar concept .

  4. 背地里,我们选择罪恶地姘居或过着独居生活;却公开宣称自己对加入那种最过时但具有浪漫情调的制度多么有兴趣。

    Privately , we 're choosing to live in sin or by our lonesomes . But publicly , we profess our interest in joining the oldest of romantic institutions . Or is it the other way around ?
