- Eocene series

The Paleocene to Eocene inside the basin are fluvial sediments ;
Eocene Dinoflagellate in Qaidam Basin and Its Significance on Hydrocarbon Source
An brief introduction to the global eocene - Oligocene boundary stratotype
The funnel-shaped self-potential curve of the Eocene sands is well marked .
A new species of Sparganium from the Eocene of Fushun , Liaoning Province
The Jianghan Basin is a typical Paleogene salt lake basin in eastern China .
Restoration of Eocene Erosion Thickness in Gaoyou Sag
The unconformity between the Eocene and the Lower Cretaceous is common in Jiuquan basin .
Accumulation Dynamic Mechanism of the Main Coal Seam of the Eocene Guchengzi Formation in Fushun Coalfield
Characteristics and evolution of sedimentary facies of the Eocene of Paleogene in Baise Basin , Guangxi
Lower and middle Eocene calcareous nannofossils from the southwestern continental shelf basin of the East China Sea
Sprinkler section valve Those correspond to Quaternary , Pliocene , Upper Miocene , Lower Miocene and Eocene respectively .
The reservoirs are Cretaceous-Eocene sandstone and the cap rocks are mud shales with great thickness and extensive distribution .
Elemental geochemistry and sedimentary environments of soure rocks of the Buxin Formation of Eocene in Sanshui Basin , Guangdong Province
The Paleocene to Eocene inside the basin are fluvial sediments ; New Angles on Notes and Commentary of Ancient Documents ;
Petrological characteristics of the sedimentary volcaniclastic rocks of the fossil hill formation ( eocene ) in King George island , west Antarctica
The continental deposits of Enping formation aged from Oligocene to Eocene of Palaeocene are well-developed and widespreaded in the Pearl River Mouth Basin .
The first spreading cycle resulted in the formation of Wenchang mudstone , Eocene , which is the important and main source rock of the basin .
And by taking main hydrocarbon caprock mudstone of Eocene Oligocene as examples , the areal varing regularity of displacement pressure is studied by using vitrinite reflectance .
Recently , lots of dinosaurs found from the originally named Paleogene " Mangchuan Formation " of the Ruyang Basin of Henan Province form a distinct dinosaurian fauna .
The boundaries between the Upper Cretaceous and Paleogene , Paleocene and Eocene , and Eocene and Oligocene in China nearly accord with corresponding ones elsewhere in the world .
The sag can be divided into 5 secondary tectonic belts , the main sedimentary formation is Tertiary and the main source rock is Pinghu coal measures of Eocene .
At present , coals of the Eocene Pinghu formation have entered into the best epoch of pool - formed , it made a greater contribution to oil - formed .
Pinghu formation of Eocene in Xihu sag of the shelf basin of the East China Sea is semi-closed bay sedimentary environment . Marine transgression is from south to north .
Distribution of surface sediments and sedimentary environment in the North Yellow Sea Eocene sedimentary environment and oil and gas bearing features of Xihu Sag in the shelf basin of the East China Sea
There are excellent petroleum geology conditions in these deepwater areas : ( 1 ) Two sets of main source rock developed in Eocene Oligocene lacustrine mudstones and Oligocene semi closed neritic mudstones ;
The tectono-stratigraphic sequences of the Kuqa foreland fold-thrust belt , northern Tarim basin , Northwest China , can be divided into the Mesozoic sub-salt sequence , the Paleocene Eocene salt sequence and the Oligocene Quaternary supra-salt sequence .
With great thickness , widespread distribution , high organic matter abundance , high thermal maturity and great intensities of hydrocarbon generation and expulsion , the Eocene Pinghu Formation is the most important source rock in the sag ;
Three sets of hydrocabon source rocks in the Neogene , Oligocene and Eocene , in which the gas was mainly generated , are of important significance for natural gas accumulation because of their deep burial and high maturity .
In this paper , by means of the characteristics of seismic reflection configuration as explained by the principles of seismic stratigraphy and the curves reflecting the change of the lake level , it is suggested that the lower S_4 is corresponding to Eocene in age .