
  • 网络If you were there;Beautiful Love
  1. 只有我才会出这种事,如果有你在就不会出岔子了。

    This could only happen to me ! If you 'd picked me up , it wouldn 't have happened .

  2. 如果有一天你在独自散步时看到一条大狗,你会怎么办?

    You 're walking along one day when you see a big dog . What do you do ?

  3. 如果有一天你在远方流浪时感到孤独、忧郁,请抬头看看星空,那儿有我送给你的幸运星。

    If you feel lonely far away from home , look up at the stars in the sky , where there is a star for luck that I ' 've send you .

  4. 如果有空位,你可以在下班机有个坐位。

    If there 's space , you can have a seat on the next flight .

  5. 如果有什么事你不要在这里看到它很可能意味着我离开它的默认设置。

    If there 's anything you don 't see here it most probably means I left it on the default setting .

  6. 如果有人告诉你某人在舰队街工作,你便可知道他很可能是个记者,或者多少与新闻业有关。

    If you are told that someone works in Fleet Street , you know that he is probably a journalist , or in some way or other connected with journalism .

  7. 没有学生,尤其是外国学生会忘掉你的善良、诚恳、好客、体贴和对教学工作的全心投入,如果他们有机会和你在一块儿呆过的话。

    No students , foreign students in particular , would forget your kindness , your sincerity , your hospitality , your consideration and your devotion to teaching if they had the chance to be with you .