
  • 网络Shortbread;short bread;Shortbread Cookies;eclair
  1. 是时候在绿甜椒摊和草莓奶油酥饼摊前买点什么了。

    Time to stock up at the green pepper stand and strawberry shortcake stand .

  2. 在前往伯利恒的途中,三位圣者带着一种混有奶油的酥饼,这就是人们所称的国王饼。

    On the way to Bethlehem , three Saints carried with a kind of mixed cream cakes that 's what people called Galette des Rois at present .

  3. Kim做的奶油巧克力小圆酥饼是我尝过最美味的。

    Kim 's profiteroles are the best that I 've had .

  4. 还有巧克力片橘子奶油味草莓酥饼味还有苹果馅饼味的

    Now , they have mint chocolate chip , they have orange cream pop , they have strawberry shortcake and they have apple pie

  5. 塞吉奥:我正在考虑这份巧克力奶油冻或者带黑莓调味汁的奶油酥饼。

    Sergio : I am considering this chocolate mousse or cream puff with raspberry sauce .