
  • 网络Female hair loss;Women Hair Loss
  1. 虽然一些疗法在阻止脱毛症上有效果,但FDA对其应用于女性脱发或多毛症的治疗尚未认可。

    Although a number of treatments are effective in arresting androgenic alopecia , they are not FDA approved for use in women with alopecia , nor in hirsutism .

  2. 研究员称下他们下一步将在不同类型脱发包括女性脱发研究干细胞和前体细胞群。

    The researchers say their next steps will be to study the stem and progenitor populations in other types of hair loss , including female pattern hair loss .

  3. 益发复方治疗女性型脱发的临床疗效观察及对体外培养SD大鼠毛乳头细胞的影响

    Clinical Study of " Yi Fa " Compound Prescription in the Treatment of Androgenetic Alopecia ( AGA ) and the Effect on the Growth of SD Rats Papilla Cells in Vitro

  4. 目的观察“益发”复方治疗女性型脱发临床疗效及对患者血清二氢睾酮(DHT)与脱氢表雄酮(DHEA)水平表达的影响。

    Objective To observe the clinical therapeutic effect of Yifa compound treating female pattern hair loss and its effect on sera dihydrotestosterone ( DHT ) and dehydroepiandrosterone ( DHEA ) levels .

  5. 女性占脱发人群的40%。

    Women comprise 40 percent of the general population that lose hair .

  6. 美国接近一半40岁到50岁之间的女性会脱发。

    Nearly half of American females from 40 to 50 years of age suffer from hair loss .

  7. 但是要再次强调,最常见的脱发是由基因决定的,是遗传的,男性型和女性型脱发。

    But again , to reiterate , the most common form of hair loss is genetic , it 's inherited , it 's male and female pattern hair loss .

  8. 绝经后女性前额纤维化性脱发

    Frontal fibrosing alopecia in postmenopausal women