
  • 网络Ornidazole;orn;ornidazole,ONZ
  1. 建立了奥硝唑注射液的HPLC测定法。

    A HPLC method for the determination of ornidazole injection was established .

  2. 奥硝唑注射液的HPLC测定

    Determination of Ornidazole Injection by HPLC

  3. 奥硝唑三联疗法治疗Hp相关溃疡病的临床研究

    Clinical study for ornidazole with triple therapy in helicobacter pylori related peptic ulcer

  4. 结果在0~6h内,溶液外观、pH值和紫外吸收光谱基本不变化,头孢匹胺与奥硝唑的含量没有明显的变化。

    Result There were no evident changes in apparent , PH , content and absorption curves within 6h .

  5. 目的:探讨尿激酶型纤溶酶原激活因子(uPA)对于奥硝唑所致的雄性不育大鼠生育力的影响。

    Objective : To investigate the effects of urokinase-type plasminogen activator ( uPA ) on the reproductive function of the male rats with ornidazole-induced infertility .

  6. 目的:比较奥硝唑胶囊及乳杆菌活菌胶囊治疗细菌性阴道病(BV)的疗效及成本-效果。

    Objective : To evaluate the curative effect and cost-effectiveness in treatment of bacterial vaginosis ( BV ) with capsule of ornidazole and capsule of lactobacillus .

  7. 目的:探讨奥硝唑(ORN)对雄性大鼠生育功能的影响。

    Objective : To investigate the effects of ornidazole ( ORN ) on reproductive function in male rats .

  8. 方法以PEG400,PEG6000为基质,熔融法制备奥硝唑栓剂,采用紫外分光光度法测定其含量。

    METHODS PEG400 , PEG6000 were used as suppository base and the drug concentration was determined by UV-spectrophotometry .

  9. 方法:在室温(20℃)条件下采用紫外分光光度法考察左氧氟沙星与奥硝唑配伍后在6h内含量变化,并观察配伍液的外观及pH值变化。

    Method : In the case of ambient temperature (( 20 ℃)) the change of content was within 6 h after the compatibility investigated of levofloxacin with ornidazole by UV-spectrophotometry , and the aspect was observed , pH was determined too .

  10. 结论:奥硝唑注射液与注射用头孢噻肟钠的配伍液在配伍后4℃8h内、25℃4h内、37℃1h内可使用。

    Conclusion : The mixture of ornidazole injection and cefotaxime sodium for injection can be used after ( storing ) at 4 ℃ for 8 h , 25 ℃ for 4 h and 37 ℃ for 1 h.

  11. 无论是对标准菌株还是临床分离菌株,复方奥硝唑栓MIC、MBC值均明显低于氧氟沙星栓及替硝唑栓,其组方中2组分具有良好的协同作用。

    Either for standard strains or for clinical isolated strains , both MIC and MBC in trial group ( compound ornidazole suppositories ) were lower than in control groups ( ofloxacin and tinidazole ), but the two constituents showed a satisfactory synergistic action .

  12. 结论奥硝唑治疗颌面部间隙感染疗效显著。

    Conclusion Ornidazole showed obvious therapeutic effect on maxillofacial space infection .

  13. 奥硝唑对大鼠精子的影响及作用机制探讨

    Effect of Ornidazole on Sperm in Rats and Its Mechanism of Action

  14. 一种新的聚合物颗粒用于奥硝唑测定的研究

    Determination of Ornidazole Using a Kind of Novel Polymer Particles

  15. 奥硝唑与甲硝唑治疗牙周炎疗效及副作用比较

    Efficacy and Side Effect of Ornidazole and Metronidazole in Treatment of Periodontitis

  16. 奥硝唑对大鼠睾丸和附睾超微结构的影响

    Ultrastructural Changes in Testis and Epididymis of Rats after Treatment with Ornidazole

  17. 依诺沙星注射液与奥硝唑氯化钠注射液配伍稳定性考察

    Compatible stability of enoxacin injection combined with ornidazole and sodium chloride injection

  18. 奥硝唑对牙周病原菌的体外抗菌作用

    The antibacterial activities of ornidazole against periodontal pathogen in vitro

  19. 奥硝唑胃内滞留片的制备及质量标准建立

    Preparation of ornidazole gastric stagnation tablets and establishment for its quality control

  20. 奥硝唑治疗62例细菌性阴道病临床疗效观察

    The Clinical Curative Observation of Ornidazole in 62 Cases of Bacterial vaginosis

  21. 奥硝唑用于感染根管消毒的细菌学研究

    Study on the root canal microflora of Ornidazole disinfecting infected root canals

  22. 奥硝唑氯化钠注射液与拉氧头孢钠的配伍稳定性考察

    Compatible Stability of Ornidazole Sodium Chloride Injection with Latamoxef Disodium

  23. 复方奥硝唑中空栓的制备及质量控制

    Preparation and Quality Control of Compound Ornidazole Hollow Type Suppository

  24. 缓步类的分支的节肢动物。奥硝唑缓释膜生物学性能的初步研究

    Preliminary study on the biological characters of Ornidazole Slow-Release Membrane

  25. 奥硝唑口腔用膜的制备及体外释药性能

    Preparation and in vitro Release of Ornidazole Buccal Film

  26. 奥硝唑急性毒性试验研究

    Research on the Acute and Toxic Experiment of Ornidazole

  27. 奥硝唑氯己定含漱液的制备及疗效观察

    Preparation and Effect Observation of Ornidazole Chlorhexidine Acetate Gargles

  28. 目的探讨重度牙周炎患者口腔厌氧菌对奥硝唑的敏感性。

    Objective For patients with severe periodontal disease oral anaerobic bacteria ornidazole sensitivity .

  29. 奥硝唑治疗成人牙周炎疗效观察

    Effects of Ornidazole on the Treatment of Adult Periodontitis

  30. 奥硝唑氢氧化钙糊剂治疗难治性根尖周炎的临床观察

    Clinical Observation of Using Ornidazole Calcium Hydroxide Paste to Cure Refractory Periapical Periodontitis