
  1. 耐力性项群是奥林匹克竞技运动项目中的一个大家族。

    Endurance sports are the main group in the Olympic competitive sports .

  2. 古希腊奥林匹克竞技起源于一种宗教仪式。

    The Olympics began as a religious ceremony .

  3. 通过对古代奥林匹克竞技有关的文学作品的介绍,说明体育活动与文学艺术有与生俱来的密切关系。

    By introducing the literary works relating to the ancient Olympic games , the paperdemonstrates the close relationship between sports and literature .

  4. 套路与散手竞赛的分离是武术适应奥林匹克竞技规范的必然结果;

    The separation of ( routines ) from Sanshou competition is the necessary outcome that Wushu must meet the competition standards of the Olympics .

  5. 大学正是创造奥林匹克竞技化的主要阵地。中国的传统教育思想与奥林匹克运动既相互吸引又相互排斥。

    Universities are main positions to create athletic culture of the Olympics but the China traditional ideas of education are oppose to as well as attracting with the Olympic Games .

  6. 商业化既给奥运会提供了坚实的经济基础,促进了它的发展,又干扰了奥林匹克竞技运动的正常状态,与奥林匹克理想发展有正反两方面的作用。

    While providing the Olympic Games with a solid economic basis for development , commercial-ization has interfered with the normal operation of the Games and tends to conflict with the Olympic ideals .

  7. 有些人认为武术为了进入奥运会,必须做出适合奥林匹克竞技精神的改变,从而失去本真;但更多人认为,奥运会将为武术的普及搭建平台,起到推广作用。

    Some people thought the martial arts to enter Olympic Games , must do suits the Olympics athletics spirit the change , thus loses candidly ; But more people believed that Olympic Games will build the platform for the martial arts popularization , plays the promoted role .

  8. 奥林匹克运动是竞技体育的最高形式。

    Olympic Games is the highest form of athletics .

  9. 很多人都知道,像奥林匹克这样的大型竞技大会,主办国总是有优异表现。

    It is common knowledge that the host country typically does better in any major sports like the Olympics .

  10. 正如萨马兰奇先生所说,奥林匹克的精髓不是竞技,奥林匹克的精神是对健康生活的渴望,对一个更好的世界的渴望.

    As Mr.Samaranch has said that the essence of Olympia is not confrontation , rather , the Olympic spirit is the desire for a healthy life , the disire for a better world .

  11. 表演赛:国际奥林匹克委员会应取消青少年参与奥林匹克竞技的年龄限制。

    Demo : The International Olympic Committee should remove any age requirements for children to compete in the Olympics .