
  • 网络auburn hill;Mount Auburn
  1. 2011年大切诺基不重新定义了SUV,但它确实表明,活力和能力,在奥本山确实存在。

    The2011 Grand Cherokee doesn 't redefine the SUV , but it does demonstrate that vitality and competence are indeed present in Auburn Hills .

  2. 这是联盟所见过的的最疯狂的场面——从看台泼出来的啤酒、球员把观众揍趴在地,大规模的骚乱充斥着奥本山宫——这些都被国家电视台现场直播,也让电视前的大卫-斯特恩惊慌失措。

    The wildest scene the league had ever seen - beer coming from the stands , players decking fans and pure bedlam ensuing all over the Palace of Auburn Hills - was being broadcast live on national TV , to his dismay .

  3. 但此时此刻我有能力买下整条奥本山街

    But at the moment , could buy Mount Auburn Street ,

  4. 这就是被后世永远铭记的“奥本山宫殿斗殴事件。它发生在2004年11月19日,距今大约15年。

    The incident , which will forever be known as " The Malice at the Palace , " took place on Nov. 19 , 2004 , some 15 years ago .