
  • 网络Ozzy;Ozzy Osbourne;OLDS;ozzie
  1. 不过,它们的夜行攻击方式与奥兹·奥斯朋尼可能没多大关系。

    Their nocturnal ways and connection to Ozzy Osbourne probably don 't help either .

  2. 又是什么时候奥兹成了主持人?

    And when did Ozzy become an actor ?

  3. 然后科学家们将它与奥兹衣物和武器血迹中的DNA进行了对比。

    Then the scientists compared that DNA with traces of blood found on Otzi 's clothing and weapons .

  4. 《奥兹博士秀》(TheDr.OzShow)的受众想要什么?

    What does the audience of " The Dr. Oz Show " want ?

  5. 微软公司(Microsoft)前高管雷o奥兹有一个革命性的创意:让打电话再次变得酷起来。

    Ray Ozzie , the former Microsoft executive , has a revolutionary idea : Make phone calls cool again .

  6. 奥兹又于2005年将他创办的另一家公司GrooveNetworks卖给了微软,然后在微软工作了五年,2010年时从微软离职。

    He later sold another company , Groove Networks , to Microsoft in 2005 and worked for the Redmond-based tech giant until he left in 2010 .

  7. 在职业生涯的早期阶段,奥兹曾是协作软件Lotusnotes公司的主要幕后功臣之一,这家公司后来被IBM收购。

    Earlier in his career , Ozzie was one of the masterminds of Lotus Notes , the collaboration software that was eventually acquired by IBM .

  8. 奥兹的DNA显示,他的血统源自中北欧,那也许是显而易见的,但是,这个事实的意思是,他与地中海族群不同,而地中海族群正生活在他南边不远的地方。

    DNA analysis indicates his origin in central-northern Europe , which may seem obvious , but it differentiates him from Mediterranean people , whose lands lie not too far distant to the south .

  9. 他们已经从安德里森-霍洛维奇基金(AndreessenHorowitz)、格雷洛克合伙公司(GreylockPartners)、卡普尔资本(KaporCapital)和奥兹本人那里拉来了投资。

    The trio has raised money from Andreessen Horowitz , Greylock Partners , Kapor Capital , and from Ozzie himself .

  10. 巫师会说:“多萝西(Dorothy),你是预言中拯救奥兹(Oz)的人,

    the wizard would say , " Dorothy , you are the savior of Oz that the prophecy foretold .

  11. 也不要忘记,据Vox报道,索尼外泄的电子邮件中,有一则显示奥兹热切地想“利用他的节目作为平台,帮助拓展索尼的健身和健康追踪仪器市场。”索尼是《奥兹博士秀》的制片方之一。

    And bear in mind that the Sony emails included one that showed Oz to be eager , as Vox reported , " to use his platform on the show to help expand Sony 's fitness and health-tracking devices market . " Sony is one of the producers of " Dr. Oz. "

  12. 实际上,我们都和冰人奥兹有亲缘关系。

    We actually share the same genealogy with Ozzie the iceman .

  13. 我已经等了很久了,奥兹。

    I 've been waiting a iong time for this , oz.

  14. 我曾经一整个夏天追随霍尔与奥兹乐队环游全美

    I followed hall & oates around the country one summer .

  15. 美国奥兹戴米等人用压痕试验法建立了该力的预测公式。

    Have established formula for its prediction by indentation test .

  16. 奥兹让老鼠按那个杠杆装置。

    And he just let the rat press the lever .

  17. 你和你父亲的关系怎么样,奥兹?

    Did you have a good Reiationship with your father , oz ?

  18. 她还深信,奥兹就是自己的灵魂伴侣。

    And she still believes he is her soul mate .

  19. 看到奥兹华尔德的脸,杰克很惊讶。

    Seeing Ozwald s face , Jack is very shocked .

  20. 您还记得巫师是用什麽方法抵达奥兹国的吗?

    Do you remember how the wizard landed in oz ?

  21. 你对我的宗教有意见么,奥兹?

    You got a problem with my religiosity , oz ?

  22. 奥兹国的西面是一个什么样的地方?

    What kind of place was it on the west side of Oz ?

  23. 索尼是《奥兹博士秀》的制片方之一。

    Sony is one of the producers of Dr. Oz.

  24. 奥兹的世界——长大,而不是打来打去的世界,

    Oz , right ? -- and not the world of dudes fighting ,

  25. 你的妻子想在家里一样好,奥兹。

    Your wife 's as good as home , oz.

  26. 他当然想他还想去奥兹国

    Mona : Of course he does . He wants to get to Oz

  27. 奥兹仿佛是参加狂欢节一样大呼小叫,他愿意这样做,甚至乐此不疲。

    Oz has morphed not just willingly but exuberantly into a carnival barker .

  28. 这家公司是奥兹与另外两名联合创始人马特o蒲伯和埃里克o佩蒂共同创办的。

    The long-time entrepreneur founded the company with Matt Pope and Eric Patey .

  29. 在奥兹身边还发现了一个用来磨利燧石的小工具。

    A small tool for sharpening the flints was also found with the body .

  30. 想方设法把我打造成下一个奥兹医生

    trying to make me the next Dr. Oz.