
  • 网络OAKLAND;Auckland;Port of Oakland
  1. 遭到病毒袭击的“至尊公主”号邮轮正驶向奥克兰港。

    The virus-stricken Grand Princess cruise ship is headed to the Port of Oakland .

  2. 中国的铁路制造设备将会从附近的奥克兰港运进来取代日本的汽车制造设备。

    Rail parts from China would then come through the nearby port of Oakland , in place of auto parts from Japan .

  3. 上午:考察美国奥克兰港与APL大型物流与集装箱运输公司。

    Morning : Visit Auckland port and APL Logistics and Container Transportation Company .

  4. 由于奥克兰港发生罢工,没有在短期内结束的迹象,我们要求贵公司更改装运目的地。

    Because Auckland port strike occurred , there is no end in the short term in sight , thus we require your company to change the shipping destination .

  5. 由一群年轻人成立的“集装箱乌托邦”(Containertopia)现身当地的一个仓库。他们建立了一个由一座座占地160平方英尺(约合15平方米)的海运集装箱组成的村庄,而这里的集装箱与在奥克兰港使用的那些并无二致。

    One , in a warehouse , is called Containertopia , a community of young people who have set up a village of 160-square-foot shipping containers like ones used in the Port of Oakland .

  6. 这些狗狗都是由奥克兰(新西兰港市)的动物保护协会所救出来的。

    The dogs were all rescued by the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in Auckland , New Zealand .

  7. 加州的奥克兰在上星期爆发了冲突,警方向市中心的抗议者发射催泪瓦斯,而三千示威人潮迫使奥克兰港暂时关闭。

    Oakland erupted over the past week as police fired tear gas at protesters downtown , and 3000 demonstrators forced the temporary closure of the city 's port .