
fènɡ ɡōnɡ
  • perform official duties
奉公 [fèng gōng]
  • [pursue public affairs] 奉行公事

  • 克己奉公

  • 奉公守法

  1. 主要把对劳工的征集分为五个方面:第一是推行勤劳奉公制度;

    The second part is about forceful recruiting labor , which include five facets : first is pushing " hardworking unitary " system ;

  2. 上司如此幽默,大家奉公尽职,敬笑两声或一声不等。

    With the boss in such high good humor , they all tried to do their duty by laughing respectfully once , twice , or whatever .

  3. 而形成伪满体育“灭私奉公”核心思想的渊源主要有三个,即“日本国家主义教育思想”、“日本军国主义思想”和“日本武士道精神”。

    Meanwhile , the origins of this characteristic came from three aspects too , which were " the thought of Japanese nationalism education "," the thought of Japanese militarism " and " the spirit of Bushido " .

  4. 在这种体制下,将军与大名之间是御恩和奉公的主从契约关系,维护这一体制和这种主从契约关系最重要的就是加强对大名的统御力。

    Under this system , the relationship between the general and daimio was the master-slaver contract relationship . In order to maintain this relationship , the best measure was to enhance the ruling and controlling power to daimio .

  5. 大学生是未来社会主义建设的主力军和生力军,他们担负着建设祖国的神圣使命,无论他们将来在哪个领域工作,奉公执法都是从业人员的基本素质。

    College students are the main force of Socialist construction in the future . They are responsible for sacred mission of building the motherland . Whichever future areas they work in , dedication of law enforcement is the basic quality .