
  • 网络exotic matter;strange matter;Strangelet;exotic material
  1. 具有奇异物质与暗能量作用的宇宙模型

    A Cosmic Model with the Action of Exotic Matter and Dark Energy

  2. 你们发现了奇异物质?

    You , uh , you discovered exotic matter ?

  3. 计算了在弱磁场和强磁场下奇异物质的体粘滞系数。

    We calculated the parameters of bulk viscosity in strong and weak magnetic field .

  4. 奇异物质只存在于理论中。

    Exotic matter only exists in theory .

  5. 奇异物质中的夸克凝聚

    Quark Condensate in the Strange Matter

  6. 本论文中具有创新性的工作如下:1、采用试探解的方法讨论了具有奇异物质与暗能量作用的四维宇宙模型。

    A4-D universe model with the action of strange matter and dark energy is discussed by using trial solution method . 2 .

  7. π-凝聚出现时所对应的奇异物质密度值与核子在奇异物质中的比例有关。

    In additions , we can find that the strange matter density where the - condensate emerges is led to the ratio of the nucleon number to baryon number .

  8. 他们希望这台机器能产生标准模型没有预言的粒子,这些粒子可能可以解释一些被称为“暗物质”的奇异物质。

    They hope the machine will now produce other particles-ones that the standard model does not predict , and which might account for some strange stuff called " dark matter " .

  9. 炁母“其大无外,其小无内”,是集无限大与无限小于一身的奇异物质,万物之母。

    Qimu is " so great without the outside , so small without the inside ", is the strange matter of a body gathering the infinity and the infinitesimal , the mother of the myriad things .

  10. 他们特别是要寻求一种名为“长生不老”的奇异物质,一种能治百病的灵丹妙药,而且有些人认为事实将证明这种灵丹妙药和“哲人之石”是同一种物质。

    In particular they sought a fanciful substance called " the elixir of life ", a powerful medicine which was to cure all illness , and which some people thought would turn out to be the same substance as " the philosopher 's stone " .

  11. 强和弱Y-Y相互作用下的奇异强子物质

    Strange Hadronic Matter with Strong and Weak Y-Y Interactions

  12. 弱磁场及甚强磁场下奇异夸克物质Urca过程的中微子能量损失率

    The Neutrino Emissivity of Urca Process of Strange Quark Matter in Weak and Ultra Strong Magnetic Field

  13. 在准粒子描述下,采用自洽的热力学方法,考虑奇异夸克物质(SQM)的介质效应,计算了高温近似下奇异夸克物质的体粘滞系数。

    Taking medium effects into account , we calculate the bulk viscosity of strange quark matter in high temperature approximation using a consistent thermodynamics method in quasi particle description .

  14. 奇异强子物质中的核子体积效应

    The effect of finite volume of nucleons in strange hadronic matter

  15. 高温近似下奇异夸克物质的体粘滞系数

    Bulk Viscosity of Strange Quark Matter in High Temperature Approximation

  16. 准粒子描述下奇异夸克物质自洽热力学及对奇异星物态的影响

    Consistent Thermodynamics of SQM and EOS of Strange Stars in Quasi-Particle Description

  17. 奇异强子物质中的Δ自由度的影响

    Effect of △ - Isobar in Strange Hadronic Matter

  18. 奇异夸克物质动力学与奇异星性质研究

    The Study of Dynamics of Strange Quark Matter and Properties of Strange Stars

  19. 磁场中的奇异夸克物质与奇异星

    Strange Quark Matter and Strange Star in Magnetic Field

  20. 我们讨论的主要是磁场对奇异夸克物质的物态方程以及冷却的影响。

    We mainly focus on the magnetic effects on the EOS and the stars'cooling .

  21. 新的质量标度下奇异夸克物质的电荷与临界密度

    Charge Dependence of the Critical Density of Strange Quark Matter in a New Mass Scaling

  22. 奇异强子物质的有效模型描述

    Strange Hadronic Matter in an Effective Model

  23. 关于奇异夸克物质的性质

    On the Properties of Strange Quark Matter

  24. 有限温度奇异夸克物质

    Strange quark matter at finite temperature

  25. 从这里确定奇异强子物质的汽液相变是二级相变。

    All the symmetry restoring at high temperature are demonstrated to be the second order phase transitions .

  26. 奇异夸克物质的体粘滞是耗散能量的有效机制,它是决定r-模窗口的关键参数之一。

    The bulk viscosity of the strange quark matter is the effective energy damping mechanism and the pivotal parameter determining the r-mode window .

  27. 在夸克质量密度相关模型处理奇异夸克物质滴时,会发现其半径随温度增加而变小。

    It is found that the radius for a stable strangelet is a decreasing function of temperature in quark mass density - dependent model .

  28. 特别是最近几年,由于发现旋转致密星存在重要的r-模不稳定性,奇异夸克物质和中子物质体粘滞性的巨大差异受到了更大的重视。

    Especially in recent years , people pay more attention to the bulk viscosity of strange quark and neutron matter after the finding of important r-mode instability in rotating compact stars .

  29. 随着地面高能核物理的发展,高能重离子碰撞实验也预示夸克物质的存在,含有奇异夸克物质的中子星理论模型研究显得日益重要。

    The development of the high energy nuclear physics and high-energy heavy-ion collision experiments indicate the exist of quark matter and the importance of the neutron star model containing strange quark matter .

  30. 在本论文中,我们描述了奇异夸克物质的动力学。集中讨论了现有的包含介质效应的模型:密度依赖模型,化学势依赖模型以及温度依赖模型。

    In this article , we describe the dynamic of the strange quark matter concentrating on the existing models including medium effects : density dependent model , chemical potential dependent model and temperature dependent model .