
  • 网络slag inclusion
  1. 稀土钇与氧、硫结合在净化堆敷金属的同时,改善了堆敷金属中夹渣物的形态。

    Reaction of rare earth with oxygen and sulfur can improve the shape of slag inclusion while purifying surfacing .

  2. 机架的常见缺陷有裂纹、掉砂、夹渣、缩孔缩松和晶粒粗大等。

    The common defects of the housing casting include cracks , sand drop , slag inclusion , shrinkage porosity and rough grain , etc.

  3. 通过现场调查、质量跟踪和缺陷分析,发现B坯夹渣缺陷主要集中在开浇2m长度段内;

    CC slabs are slags occurred on B slabs , by spot survey , quality trace and defect analysis , we have found that slag defects showed on B slabs mainly focus on within two-meter slabs from casting .

  4. 介绍了Ba-Ca-Si、Ca-Si系列合金在冶炼时对各种杂质C、S、P、Al、夹杂、夹渣的控制及Ba-Ca-Si、Ca-Si合金的炉外精炼的原理、精炼方法、操作、效果介绍。

    It introduces impurities control of carbon , sulphur , phosphorus , aluminium and inclusion in Ca-Si and Ba-Ca-Si series alloys as well as secondary refinement principle , methods , operations , results of .

  5. YSP-15型液化石油气钢瓶瓶嘴的角焊缝不允许出现裂纹、咬边、夹渣、气孔等缺陷。

    It is not to allow the occurrence of rejectable defects inside the nozzle weld of YSP-15 LPG cylinder such as slag inclusion , cluster porosity , undercut , especially cracking .

  6. 铝硅合金铸件的收缩缺陷和氧化夹渣问题

    The shrinkage defects and oxide inclusions in aluminum-silicon alloy castings

  7. 合理设计浇注系统减少夹渣缺陷

    Slag Defect Could Be Reduced By Properly Designing Pouring System

  8. 消除合金结构钢连铸坯夹渣的研究

    Slag inclusions removal in continuous casting billet of structural alloy steel approach

  9. IF钢连铸板坯表面夹渣缺陷的研究

    Research of surface inclusive slag defects in interstitial-free steel slab

  10. 氢气是铝熔体中的主要气体,存在于氧化夹渣的裂缝和孔洞处。

    Hydrogen is the main existing in gap and hole of oxides .

  11. 球铁件夹渣缺陷形成的影响因素分析

    Analysis of factors influencing slag defects in ductile iron castings

  12. 铸轧铝带的表层夹渣特征及其形成机理

    Characteristic and Forming Mechanism of the Surface Enclosed Slag for Cast-rolling Aluminium Strip

  13. 铝铸轧带坯上表面夹渣的原因及其预防措施

    Methods and causes of surface slag on cast-rolling strip

  14. 铸钢车轮气孔、夹渣缺陷产生的原因与防止措施

    Forming Reasons and Precaution Measures of Blowhole and Cinder Inclusion in Cast Steel Wheel

  15. 球铁冷却壁上表面夹渣的原因及防止

    Reason and Prevention of Top-surface Slag Inclusion on Cooling Wall of Nodular Iron Casting

  16. 用底注包连续浇注铸钢车轮产生夹渣缺陷的分析

    Analysis on Entrapped Slag Defect of Cast Steel Wheel Poured Continuously by Bottom Pouring Ladle

  17. 在焊接处看到了夹渣,气孔及未熔透区的油漆。

    Slag , blowholes , and paint on unfused regions were observed at the welded junctions .

  18. 焊缝表面不得有裂纹,气孔,夹渣等严重缺陷。

    Any severe deficiency of welding seams surface like cracks , pores , slags is forbidden .

  19. 焊接过程电弧稳定,焊接接头熔合良好,未见裂纹、未焊透、夹渣、气孔等缺陷。

    This process showed a stable arc , good welding joints without any gas pores and cracks .

  20. 本文主要介绍解决铸造黄铜(ZCuZn38Mn2Pb2)阀门闸板密封面产生的铸造夹渣缺陷所采取的措施。

    The paper mainly introduces the solution to the slag defects on the surface of the brass valve .

  21. 三角口裂纹、直线裂纹和渣孔是连铸坯表面夹渣的主要表现形式。

    Triangle crack , linearity crack and slag eye are main form of surface wrapped slag in continuously cast billet .

  22. 高速离心铸造,组织致密,无砂眼、夹渣,表面光滑、壁厚均匀。

    Centrifugal casting , compact structure , free from pinhole porosity and slag , smooth surface and even wall thickness .

  23. 还讨论了弹性夹渣问题.小方坯表面夹渣的成因研究

    The problem of elastic inclusion is also studied . FORMATION OF INCLUDED SLAG ON THE SURFACE OF CONTINUOUS CASTING BILLET

  24. 连铸优质硬线钢小方坯时,铸坯夹渣、水口堵塞等问题影响质量和生产。

    The high carbon grade billet cast with continuous caster was influenced by billet inclusion , clogging of the nozzle etc.

  25. 因而未熔透及夹渣存在于焊缝棍部,并造成大的初始裂纹条件。

    Hence lack of fusion and slag would exist at the weld root and create a large initial crack condition .

  26. 大功率内燃机车球铁曲轴中夹渣缺陷形成与防止的研究

    An Investigation on the Formation and Prevention of the Dross in the Nodular Cast Iron Crankshaft of the Heavy Diesel Locomotive

  27. 通过实验证明,本方法简单省时,适合于夹渣,裂缝等常见缺陷的定位。

    Some experiments are done and the results indicate that this method is simple , timesaving and suitable for locating defects .

  28. 实践表明,效果明显,铸件气孔、夹渣、裂纹、缩松、针孔等铸造缺陷得到了有效的控制,显著提高了铸件的合格率。

    It is proved to be effective for elimination all these casting defects and the casting qualification rate has been significantly improved .

  29. 另外镁合金焊接过程中还会出现未焊透、夹渣、接头软化等缺陷。

    In addition magnesium alloy welding process is also prone to some defects such as lack of penetration , slag , joint softening .

  30. 对比分析了表面凹坑、夹渣及裂纹等常见缺陷的阻抗图特征。

    The features of the impedance diagram for the common defects such as pits , inclusions and cracks were also analyzed by comparison .