
  • 网络Cephalopoda;class cephalopoda
  1. 头足纲与腹足纲贝壳材料的结构和性能

    The Microstructure and Properties of Gastropoda and Cephalopoda Shells

  2. 开始!他们是节肢动物,脊椎动物,头足纲动物还是甲壳纲动物?

    Here we go : are they all arthropods , vertebrates , cephalopods or crustaceans ?

  3. 法国渔人称它们为水黄蜂,它们属于头足纲。双鳃目,其中包括肛鱼和墨鱼。

    French fishermen give them the name " cuckoldfish , " and they belong to the class Cephalopoda , family Dibranchiata , consisting of themselves together with cuttlefish and argonauts .

  4. 曼氏无针乌贼(Sepiellamaindroni)是重要的海洋头足类经济动物,隶属软体动物门、头足纲、十腕目、乌贼科。

    Sepiella maindroni is an important marine cephalopods economic animal , which belongs to Mollusca , Cephalopod , Decapoda , Sepia esculenta .