
tóu shī
  • Head lice;head louse;bug
头虱 [tóu shī]
  • [head louse] 常见的一种虱子( Pediculus humanus capitis ),寄生于头皮,产卵于头发上

头虱[tóu shī]
  1. 延吉市部分幼儿园儿童头虱感染情况的调查

    The Prevalence of Head Louse Infestation among Kindergarten Children in Yanji City

  2. 咬噬生命的虱子头虱在传播乙肝病毒中的作用

    " Louse " of Biting Life Effect of Head Louse in Transmission of HBV

  3. 虱子,又叫人类头虱类属于虱目A.N.O.P.L.U.R.A.

    The human head lice , Pediculus humanus capitis belong to the Anoplura family . A. N. O. P. L. U. R. A.

  4. 苯乙醇溶液是以苯乙醇作为主要有效成分第一种获FDA许可用于治疗头虱的制剂。

    Benzyl Alcohol Lotion , 5 % , is the first head lice product approved by the FDA with benzyl alcohol as the active pharmaceutical ingredient .

  5. 英国BugBuster药盒和非处方灭虱药治疗头虱的单盲、随机、比较研究

    Single blind , randomised , comparative stu-dy of the Bug Buster kit and over the counter pediculicide treatments against head lice in the United Kingdom

  6. 送你手套的人叫头虱。

    The man who gave you his glove is called poux .

  7. 而茶树精油也会添加在洗发精里以去除头虱(惊!)

    Tea tree oil is sometimes used in shampoos for head lice .

  8. 这些尼特是其中最大的问题,头虱感染。

    These nits are one of the biggest problems with head lice infestations .

  9. 马拉硫磷是一种杀虫剂,以及工程对头虱。

    Malathion is a type of insecticide that works well against head lice .

  10. 巴西贫穷社区疥疮和头虱的流行病学和发病率研究

    Epidemiology and morbidity of scabies and pediculosis capitis in resource-poor communities in Brazil

  11. 学生常会染上头虱。

    Schoolchildren often become infected with head lice .

  12. 头虱在传播乙肝病毒中的作用

    Effect of Head Louse in Transmission of HBV

  13. 女性和极度贫困是与头虱症零传染时期下降有关的独立风险因素。

    Female sex and extreme poverty were independent risk factors associated with a shortened disease-free period .

  14. 在这篇文章中,我们将回答更多的问题,人们有大约头虱。

    In this article , we 'll answer more of the questions that people have about head lice .

  15. 利用伊维菌素进行集体治疗,可能降低贫穷社区内头虱症感染的发生率以及头虱症导致的死亡率。

    Mass treatment with ivermectin may reduce the incidence of head lice infestation and associated morbidity in resource-poor communities .

  16. 如果你是,有可能会来的时间点,当您的孩子发展头虱。

    If you are , there will likely come a point in time when your child develops head lice .

  17. 蚌埠地区农村中小学生头虱感染流行因素调查

    Survey on prevalent factors of pediculus humanus capitis infection in middle and primary school students of rural area of Bengbu

  18. 活动性头虱侵染的确定以活动期头虱存在为准而有侵袭历史的以虫卵存在为准。

    Active infestation was defined as the presence of mobile stages and historic infestation as the presence of nits alone .

  19. 首先,您应该知道,头虱有不尊重的社会地位,清洁,或个人生!

    First you should know that head lice have no respect for social status , cleanliness , or personal hygiene !

  20. 干预组的儿童没有被传染头虱症的时间仍然远远长于对照组的儿童。

    Children in the intervention group remained free from infestation with head lice significantly longer than children in the control group .

  21. 这是一个罕见的人从来没有谁处理头虱与儿童是最容易受到侵袭。

    It 's a rare person who has never had to deal with head lice with children being the most susceptible to infestations .

  22. 调查延吉市四所幼儿园737名儿童头虱感染情况。

    The prevalence of head louise ( Pediculus bamanus var , capitis ) infestation in4 kindergarten children in Yanji City , was investigated .

  23. 研究家庭范围内治疗头虱症可以有效预防头虱病(头虱症)在贫穷社区内传染的证据。

    To generate evidence on the effectiveness of household-wide treatment for preventing the transmission of pediculosis capitis ( head lice ) in resource-poor communities .

  24. 为了减少每个时间单位内出现头虱症患者的数量,应采取包括治疗所有家庭接触者在内的控制措施。

    To decrease the number of head lice episodes per unit of time , control measures should include the treatment of all household contacts .

  25. 贫穷社区内的女孩和最穷的人是对头虱症侵袭抵抗力最弱的人群。

    In an impoverished community , girls and the poorest of the poor are the population groups that are most vulnerable for head lice infestation .

  26. 研究目的是比较目视检查和湿发梳理两种方法诊断头虱侵染的准确率。

    The goal of this study was to compare the diagnostic accuracy of visual inspection vs wet combing in the detection of head lice infestation .

  27. 头虱相对更常见,特别多见于儿童,并引起骚痒,表皮抓破脱落处有时可继发感染。

    Head lice are relatively common , particularly among children , and can cause itching , sometimes to the point of excoriation with risk for secondary infection .

  28. 头虱是一种寄生于头发上的细小昆虫,有时亦会在眼眉或胡须间出现。

    The head louse , Pediculus humanus capitis is a tiny insect which lives on the hair . occasionally , it is also seen in the eyebrows or beard .