
  • 网络this sense of failure;Sense of failure;frustration;frustration & failure
  1. 但就是这种失败感使他决心在新的生活中取得成功。

    But it was this sense of failure that made him determined to succeed in his new life .

  2. 失败感令他难堪。

    He was oppressed by a sense of failure .

  3. 批评责备只能破坏关系,让人产生失败感。

    Criticizing will only destroy a relationship and create feelings of failure .

  4. 你要摈弃单身就会不快乐、就会有失败感这一想法。

    You must let go of the idea that to be single is to be unhappy and unfulfilled

  5. 婚姻的破裂在他的心头留下了隐隐约约的失败感。

    The break-up of his marriage left him with a vague feeling of failure .

  6. 我隐约的苦恼和失败感。

    My vague misery and sense of defeat .

  7. 他内心有种失败感。

    He had an inward sense of failure .

  8. 其实你大可不必带着失败感结束这天。

    You don 't need to pack up for the day with a sense of failure .

  9. 朋友和家人可以起到重要作用不仅有助于恢复自尊,也有助于摆脱失败感。

    Friends and family can play a vital role - not just in recovering self-esteem and shaking off the sense of failure .

  10. 乔迪有时候感觉自己在说服别人停止节食方面很成功,但是有时候她也会有失败感。

    Sometimes Jody feels that she succeeds in persuading some students to stop dieting ; other times she feels that she fails .

  11. 斯考比在它之世界中看不到自身和他人变化发展的可能性,产生了持续的失败感和疲倦感,因此希望从人与人的交往中解脱出来。

    Scobie cannot find the meaning of life in the world of It and thus has a constant sense of failure and tiredness .

  12. 这种情况导致了陶艺危机状态和持续的失败感,尽管有些人在个人层面有成功的尝试。

    This situation contributes to the state of crisis and on-going feeling of failure , despite some successful attempts at the individual level .

  13. 这项活动原本是想激发团队凝聚力方面的热情,但任何热情都被一种更强烈的感情压过了:那就是失败感。

    Any warmth that this was meant to generate in terms of team bonding was submerged by a much more powerful feeling : failure .

  14. 试著摆脱由抑郁症引起的如失败感等此类的消极想法,这些想法会随著抑郁症的减轻而逐渐消除。

    Try not to believe the negative thoughts , like feelings of failure , that depression causes & such thoughts should ease as depression subsides .

  15. 崛起于二十世纪二十年代的美国南方文学以其新颖独特的风格和严肃而带悲剧色彩的主题、浓厚而沉重的历史感、罪恶感与失败感给美国文坛增添了异彩。

    Rising in the 20th century , the Southern literature adds extraodinary splendour to American literature , with its unique style , serious and tragic theme , heavy historic tone and guilty sense .

  16. 除了有很多段失败的感�我不太懂感情问题

    I don 't know a lot about relationships other than having many that failed .

  17. 很不幸,工作时刻拖宕是为了减轻你的失败恐惧感和避免因沮丧和羞耻而引起的不安。

    Unfortunately , delaying the work of the moment to alleviate your fear of failure or to avoid discomfort will almost always set the stage for more disappointment and shame .

  18. 婚姻失败的挫折感强加在我身上?

    Of your failed marriage out on me ?

  19. 听哼哼这么一说,失败的恐惧感又袭上了唧唧的心头,他的那点发现新的奶酪的希望又逐渐消退了。

    With that , Haw 's fear of failing returned and his hope of finding New Cheese faded .

  20. 一些学者认为除忆之刑能起到让公众泄愤的作用,让他们发泄出对领导者的失败的失意感。

    Some scholars feel it may have served a cathartic purpose for the public , enabling them to vent their frustration over the failures of their leaders .

  21. 这是一个适当的视角——把这些让人后悔的事情谨记于心并尽量避免遇到它们,但不能让害怕失败的恐惧感征服你。

    It 's a healthy dose of perspective -- keep these regrets in mind to try to avoid them , but don 't be held back by your fear of screwing up .

  22. 根据归因理论,一个人的行为归因影响随后的行为和动机、将来的成就期望、面对相似任务时的持续性以及感知未来成功或失败的自豪感和羞愧感。

    According to attribution theory , the attribution of an individual behavior can affect subsequent behavior and motivation , future achievement expectancy , persistence at similar tasks , pride or shame felt following success or failure .

  23. 这就是一些人认为他们在错误中学不到任何东西的原因。我们在学校、家庭和工作中懂得了失败的愧疚感,于是就会尽力避免犯错。

    This is why some people consider that they can learn nothing from mistakes , We are taught in school , in our families , or at work to feel guilty about failure and to do whatever we can to avoid mistakes .

  24. 当认为我们在某些事失败之后,低落感也随之而来。

    When we feel like we have failed at something , discouragement often follows .

  25. 看到他们计划失败后的满足感。

    Satisfaction at seeing their plan fail .

  26. 女王说:“朕对失败的可能性不感兴趣。”

    The queen said : " We are not interested in the possibilities of defeat . "

  27. 在大多数情境下,四类完美主义者在成功后的自豪感和失败后的羞愧感存在显著差异。

    In the most of the situations , there is a significant difference in pride after success and shame after failure among four types of perfectionists .

  28. 与失败共舞:大学生失败感素描及应对策略

    Facing Failures : Description of College Students ' Sense of Failure and Ways to Deal with It

  29. 没有真正的失败,只是成长教育而已。当认为我们在某些事失败之后,低落感也随之而来。

    There is only education When we feel like we have failed at something , discouragement often follows .