
  • 网络unemployment benefit
  1. 这一部分是因为失业福利的支出增加了。

    In part , this is because of an increasing bill for unemployment benefit .

  2. 奥巴马发表上述言论之际,包括沃尔玛(Wal-Mart)在内的数家大型零售商发布了圣诞期间令人失望的销售数据,同时每周数据显示,领取失业福利金的人数达26年来最高点。

    His remarks came as several big retailers , including Wal-Mart , announced disappointing sales over Christmas and weekly data showed the number of people claiming unemployment benefits hitting a 26-year high .

  3. 更好的失业福利,在萧条时节对1800万找工作的人们非常有利。

    Better unemployment benefits for 18 million job-seekers during the recession ;

  4. 越南正在实施一项全国性的失业福利项目。

    Vietnam is implementing a national unemployment-benefits system .

  5. 政府正计划削减失业福利使人们猛醒而寻找工作。

    The government is planning to cut unemplyment benefit ot jolt people into looking for work .

  6. 奥巴马也将暂停对失业福利征税,并对由于付不出分期贷款而导致房屋被拍卖的家庭实行为期90天的宽限。

    Obama would also suspend taxes on unemployment benefits and would place a90-day moratorium on home foreclosures .

  7. 乔治.奥斯本公然与那些“选择把坐享失业福利当成一种生活方式的人”对抗。

    George Osborne spoke out against'people who think it is a lifestyle to sit on out-of-work benefits ' .

  8. 许多人已经将早日退休、免费公共医疗和慷慨的失业福利视作基本权利。

    Many have come to regard early retirement , free public healthcare and generous unemployment benefits , as fundamental rights .

  9. 提高失业福利有着最大的乘数效应那些手头拮据的家庭会花掉给他们的每个子儿,同时,也满足了至关重要的社会需求。

    Increased unemployment benefits have the largest multiplier effects cash-strapped families spend every cent given and meet vital social needs .

  10. 但是,如果你是因不正当的理由被降薪了,你就可以在辞职的时候享受失业福利。

    But , if your pay has been cut by an unreasonable percentage , you may be able to quit and still collect unemployment benefits .

  11. 奥巴马先生很有可能会倾向于规模更小,成本更低的选择:扩大人头税的削减范围,现在失业福利将于十二月份到期;

    Mr Obama stands a better chance with smaller , cheaper ideas : extending the payroll-tax cut and unemployment benefits now scheduled to expire in December ;

  12. 一个母亲突然不知道自己能否将食物为孩子们摆上餐桌,失业福利将带来改变。

    It makes a difference for a mother who suddenly doesn 't know if she 'll be able to put food on the table for her kids .

  13. 官员们表示,在必须解决的问题中,包括由于希腊政府改变发放失业福利金的方式而重新出现的3亿欧元缺口。

    Among issues that must be resolved , officials said , was a € 300m gap that re-emerged when the Greek government changed the way unemployment benefits were paid .

  14. 在经济走弱信号不断加强的背景下,中期财政紧缩应该与进一步的短期刺激政策相结合:即重新减免工资税、延长失业福利时限。

    With the economy showing worsening signs of weakness , medium-term fiscal consolidation should have been combined with further short-term stimulus : renewed payroll tax-relief and extended unemployment benefits .

  15. 该组织强烈谴责了德国提高最低工资和失业福利的政策,因为提高最低工资会减少就业机会,而高福利会增加失业的吸引力。

    The group strongly condemns German policies of higher minimum wages , because it can price people out of jobs , and higher unemployment benefits , as they makes joblessness more attractive .

  16. 奥巴马仍在推动国会通过其就业法案的部分内容,大多数希望寄托在两项条款上:即将薪资税收减免和失业福利的期限再延长12个月。

    Mr Obama is still pushing Congress to pass aspects of his jobs bill , with most hope placed on two provisions to extend payroll tax cuts and jobless benefits for another year .

  17. 乔治.奥斯本说,他计划削减提供给残疾人或是病到无力工作的人的福利,他针对的是那些坐享失业福利的人。

    So George Osborne plans to slash welfare for people who are disabled or too ill to work , saying he will be targeting those who sit on benefits as a " lifestyle choice " .

  18. 然而IMF表示,如果将诸如对失业人群福利支出这类自动稳定项目考虑在内,德国做出的财政应对举措也并非像表面上看起来那样远远落后于美国。

    The IMF , however , notes that taking into account automatic stabilisers , such as welfare payments to the unemployed , Germany 's fiscal response is not as far behind America 's as it appears .

  19. 失业给福利国家增加了沉重的负担。

    Unemployment places a heavy burden on the welfare state .

  20. 另一项延长长期失业者福利的提案未能在参议院获得通过。这份提案将使失业救济延长三个月,所需成本为65亿美元。

    Another proposal to extend the benefits to the long-term unemployed has failed in the senate . The extension would have lasted three months and cost 6.5 billion dollars .

  21. 工商部作为主管机关先行进行《工厂法草案》的拟定,草案中包含有工伤、生育、失业、福利等保障内容。

    The Ministry of Industry and Commerce as the competent authority began to draft " Factories Act ", which contained the social security rules such as occupational accident security , maternity security , unemployment security , welfare .

  22. 尽管减支措施将分阶段执行,但在3月1日开始实施后,人们很快会感受到影响。奥巴马政府警告,这会导致航班延误,减少失业救济福利和政府服务。

    Though the cuts will be phased in , the impact will be felt soon after their March 1 start date , with the administration warning of delays at airports and cuts in jobless benefits and government services .

  23. 据npr布莱恩?奈勒报道,1.16亿美国人大约在明年2月前将会继续享受工资税减免的假期和失业救济的福利。

    As NPR Brian Naylor reports , some 116 million Americans will continue getting a break on their taxes and unemployment benefits will continue through February .

  24. 高失业率使得福利救济系统濒于崩溃。

    High unemployment was stretching the welfare system to breaking point .

  25. 取消失业者的福利也是如此。

    So too is removing benefits from people who cannot find jobs .

  26. 此时期,出台了失业保障及劳工福利方面的法规。

    In this period , the unemployment security and labor welfare regulation was introduced .

  27. 该议案还包括延长长期失业者的失业福利,并把工资税削减2%。

    The measure also extends jobless benefits for the long-term unemployed and imposes a2 percent cut in payroll taxes .

  28. 社区社会保障主要有社会救济、医疗保险、养老保险、失业保险和社会福利等内容。

    Social security in communities includes relief , special care allowance , medical insurance , old-age pension unemployment insurance and social welfare .

  29. 与此同时,即将离任的布什政府已经表示愿意考虑一些温和的措施,如延长失业者的联邦福利等。

    In the meantime , the outgoing Bush administration has signaled its willingness to consider some modest measures , such as an extension of federal benefits for the unemployed .

  30. 2008年开始的国际金融、经济危机重创了福利国家的金融体系,使这些国家的失业人口增加,福利水平下降。

    International finance , economic crisis in 2008 have mauled the financial system of the welfare state , make the unemployment increasing and the welfare level drops of these countries .