
  • Unemployment theory;theory of unemployment
  1. 第二章评述了失业理论与失业保险理论。

    Chapter II reviews the theory of unemployment and unemployment insurance theory .

  2. 非加速通货膨胀失业率不仅是一个失业理论,也是整个宏观经济分析中的一个重要概念,它对于宏观经济政策尤其是货币政策的制定具有重要指示作用。

    Non-accelerating inflation rate of unemployment ( NAIRU ) is not only a theory of unemployment but also an important concept in the overall macroeconomic analysis . It has a significant guiding role in the formulation of macroeconomic policy , especially monetary policy .

  3. 西方失业理论与我国就业问题探讨

    A Probe into the Western Unemployment Theories and Domestic Employment

  4. 对马克思工资及失业理论的现代经济学解读。

    To unscramble Marx 's wage and unemployment theory in modern economics .

  5. 长期的总量性失业理论模型研究

    Research on Theoretic Model of Long-run and Aggregate Unemployment

  6. 失业理论、失业保险机制设计与中国失业保险制度

    Unemployment Theory , Unemployment Insurance Mechanism Design and China 's Unemployment Insurance Institutions

  7. 失业理论及其对我国解决失业问题的应用分析

    Unemployment Theory & Its Application Analysis on Solving Unemployment Problem in Our Country

  8. 结构性失业理论及其对中国失业现状的解释

    The Structural Unemployment Theory and Its Explanation to the Current Unemployment State of China

  9. 对马克思主义与西方经济学失业理论的再认识

    Further Reflection on the Unemployment Theory of Marxism and That of the Western Economics

  10. 重新认识马克思的失业理论

    Re-understanding Marx ′ s Theory on Unemployment

  11. 相关理论主要介绍了就业失业理论、劳动力供给相关理论和劳动力流动相关理论,为本文实证分析提供理论基础。

    Theories : employment and unemployment theory , labor supply related theories , labor mobility related .

  12. 西方失业理论及其就业对策

    Western Unemployment Theory and Employment

  13. 马克思失业理论与西方主流失业理论:当代中国失业问题的解读

    Marxist unemployment theory and western mainstream unemployment theory : An understanding of present-day unemployment problem in China

  14. 本文采用比较分析方法,分析了西方主要流派的失业理论,从中选取结构性失业理论、效率工资理论、局内人&局外人理论建立本文分析问题的理论框架。

    We select structure unemployment theory efficiency-wage theory insider-outsider theory to build the theoretical frame of this paper .

  15. 由于社会经济制度和市场环境的不同,西方结构性失业理论并不能直接用于解决中国结构性失业问题。

    Its research achievements cannot be directly applied to China yet , because of our unique market economy environment .

  16. 第一章介绍马克思相对过剩人口理论和西方经济学流派中主要的失业理论并运用马克思主义批判武器进行简要的分析述评;

    In the first chapter I introduced west theory about unemployment and made a brief comment with Marxism weapon ;

  17. 本文介绍了隐性失业理论的起源,并从理论上分析了发展中国家在工业化过程中隐性失业的成因。

    This paper introduces the origin of the implicit unemployment theory and analyzes the reasons of implicit unemployment in the process of industrialization in the developing countries .

  18. 本文分析了西方就业与失业理论政策的产生与发展。

    In this paper , the author first has an analysis about the origin and development of the employment and unemployment theories and policies in the Western countries .

  19. 包括经济人道主义、卡尔多&希克斯效率、隐性合约理论和失业理论;

    The relevant reference on SOE exit theory has been outlined : " Economic Humanitarianism ", " Kaldor - Hicks Efficiency ", and " Implicit Contract Theory " .

  20. 大体上可分为古典经济学的失业理论、凯恩斯主义失业理论、新古典经济学失业理论和发展经济学失业理论等。

    The western unemployment theory may be divided , according to hypothesis , into Classical economics ' , Keynesianism ' , neo - Classical economics ' and Development economics ' .

  21. 笔者在写作之前,翻阅了大量的国内外失业理论,并对营口市的失业现实做了实地调研,掌握了营口失业问题最新的第一手统计资料。

    Before writing this paper , the writer read a lot of domestic and overseas works about unemployment theory , and investigated the real complexion of Yingkou , holding the newest first hand material of Yingkou unemployment problem .

  22. 结构性失业理论表明只要至少一个劳动力市场存在供给与需求结构的不对称,并且劳动力无法在不同市场间自由转移的话,结构性失业就会产生。

    Structural unemployment theory indicates that at least one labour market has between supply and demand structural asymmetric only , and if workforce are unable to shift freely among different markets , the structural unemployment will be produced .

  23. 马克思的工资和失业理论指出,资本主义社会中工人的工资趋向于工资的最低限度(劳动力价值的最低限度),同时,工人的失业问题也如影随形。

    According to Marxist theory of wage and unemployment , the worker 's wage under the capitalist system tends to be the lowest ( the minimum of the value of labor ), and the problem of unemployment is constant .

  24. 本文首先对近现代各种失业理论进行总结性回顾,并全面分析比较各国的就业政策,试图为我国现阶段失业问题的分析和解决构建一定的理论基础。

    This paper , first , makes an overall review of all kinds of unemployment theories and compares employment policies in different countries , which help to build up a strong theoretical basis for the analysis of China 's unemployment problem .

  25. 本文开始引述了西方主要失业理论和我国学者对失业问题的一般共识,分析了美国的反失业政策实践对我国的重要启示。

    Beginning with quoting main unemployment theories from some economists in west countries and chief common understanding from some economists in China , in this paper , the author analyzed some practices of anti-unemployment policies from America and the enlightenment to our country of those practices .

  26. 对这些失业理论产生的背景及其假设稍作对比不难发现,这些失业理论主要针对市场经济发展到一定阶段的失业特点而提出,各有其较强的针对性但都缺乏普遍性基础。

    Contrasting their different background and different hypothesis , we find that they are presented mainly in the light of the characteristic of unemployment in a certain stage of market economy . Though each of them has its particular function , they lack of a common base .

  27. 西方通胀与失业关系理论评述及借鉴

    Theory of Relation Between Inflation and Unemployment in the West : Commentary and Lessons

  28. 结构性失业的理论所衍生出来的某些逻辑推论很容易证明。

    There are some logical implications of the structural unemployment story that are easy to test .

  29. 二战后西方通胀与失业关系理论有了重大发展。

    After World War Two , theory of relation between inflation and unemployment in the west developed greatly .

  30. 我们应借鉴西方经济学的失业治理理论和西方国家的治理经验,制定出适合我国国情的就业政策。

    We should formulate suitable policies to promote employment according to the national conditions of China by fully using the theories and practices of western countries for reference .