
tài zhù
  • title of the official in charge of sacrificial ceremonies
太祝 [tài zhù]
  • [an offical who holds to offer sacrifice to gods or ancesters] 官名。为太常寺的官,主管祭祀

  • 为太祝奉礼听事已宽。--宋. 司马光《训俭示康》

  1. 太棒了祝你好运艾力提

    That 's wonderful . Good luck Alakay .

  2. 严格按协议办事就没错!协商解决!这点小事不好太计较,祝好运!

    Handle affairs strictly by the agreement right ! Talk things over solve ! This bit of petty thing is bad too dispute , wish lucky !

  3. 光阴白驹过隙,你我人在旅途,不必在意太多,祝新的一年里轻松一点!新年佳节,早早给你拜年!

    Time you by my journey , you don 't care who , in the New Year , may relax ! Early in the New Year holidays , best wishes to you !

  4. 太糟糕了。祝你早日康复!

    That 's too bad . Get better soon !

  5. 太糟糕了。祝你早日康复!好好休息,早日康复。

    That 's too bad . Get better soon ! Rest well . Restore your health .

  6. 太糟糕了。祝你早日康复!烟抽得太多有损健康。

    That 's too bad . Get better soon ! Too much smoking is prejudicial to health .

  7. 那真是太好了!祝你顺利!我相信你一定会作得很好的。

    B : That 's wonderful ! Good luck to you . I 'm sure you 're going to do extremely well .

  8. 太糟糕了。祝你早日康复!深深地祝愿你早日痊愈,健康无与伦比!

    That 's too bad . Get better soon ! a great Big wish that you 'll soon Be Back in tip - top condition .

  9. 要认真的学习,用科学的、适合自己的方法去学习!不要有太大压力!祝你成功!

    Want serious study , use science , the method that suits oneself goes learning ! Do not have too great pressure ! Wish you are successful !

  10. 本来我以为没什么大问题的,毕竟人老了,有病痛是在所难免的,于是也没有想太多,只是祝他一路顺风。

    I had initially thought that there would be nothing serious because it was fairly common for an old man to catch illness . Therefore , I just wished him a smooth strip then .