
  • 网络Gifted;genius
  1. 他是个天赋异禀的天才教师。

    He was a uniquely gifted teacher .

  2. 无论你多麽聪明或天赋异禀,你都必须努力学习。

    No matter how smart or gifted you are , you need to work at it .

  3. 天赋异禀的青年草药医生许仙有大麻烦了。

    The talented young herbalist named Xu Xian was in trouble .

  4. 《天赋异禀》将于9月25日(周二)晚8点(东部时间8点,此时为中部时间7点)在Fox电视台首播。

    The Gifted premieres on Tuesday , Sept. 25 at 8 / 7c on Fox .

  5. 确切来说这不叫变异光凭这点你不可能进到X教授专为天赋异禀的年轻人开设的学校不过继续莱纳德

    That 's not exactly a mutation that would get you into Xavier 's School for Gifted Youngsters , but go on . Leonard ?

  6. 即使当人们听到这个故事之后,他们只是会想,:“噢,他们在非洲发现了这个天赋异禀的怪物,然后他去了美国的堪萨斯大学大发神威,然后进入NBA,Boom,一飞冲天。”

    Even when people hear the story , they think like , " Oh , they discovered this crazy talent in Africa , and this guy came over and started killing it . Kansas . NBA . Boom . "

  7. 勒布朗·詹姆斯近日对金州勇士取得的成功表示这并没有什么特别的秘密:除了拥有一个天赋异禀的MVP史蒂芬·库里外,还有就是避免伤病。

    LeBron James says there is a not-so-secret ingredient -- beyond a talented roster that features reigning MVP Stephen Curry -- to the Golden State Warriors ' success : avoiding injuries .

  8. 在《天赋异禀》第二季中,Strucker家庭将会面临一些艰难时刻,但这并不仅仅是因为安迪站在了洛娜和Hellfire俱乐部一边。

    The Strucker family is going to face some trying times in The Gifted Season 2 , but not just because Andy has sided with Lorna and the Hellfire Club .

  9. 天赋异禀的制作人MattNix说:“这很令人兴奋。我要说的(关于洛娜和马可斯)是,有力量使他们分开,同时也会有力量让他们重聚。这就是他们的爱情故事引人入胜的原因。“

    The Gifted creator Matt Nix said : " It 's pretty exciting . What I 'll say [ about Lorna and Marcos ] is that while there are forces tearing them apart , there are also forces bringing them together . That 's what makes them a compelling love story . "

  10. 如果你天赋异禀,记得跟全世界分享。

    If youve got a talent share it with the world .

  11. 很简单,他是一名天赋异禀的非小说作家。

    Quite simply , he is an astonishingly skilled writer of non-fiction .

  12. 我很熟悉他,他天赋异禀、非同寻常。

    I knew him well : he was a gifted and unusual man .

  13. 你天赋异禀,肩负使命,你绝对不能就这么牺牲的。

    Your gifts , your destiny , are far too precious to sacrifice .

  14. 这个男孩天赋异禀,我从来没见过这样子的孩子。

    The boy 's a natural . I 've never seen anything like it .

  15. 他说过我天赋异禀

    And he said I had a gift .

  16. 他是一个天赋异禀的年轻人,一个有前途的航空工程师,

    I understand he was such a talented young man , a promising aerospace engineer

  17. 我儿子是个音乐家天赋异禀的那种

    Troy is a musician . I mean , like , a true prodigy .

  18. 说的没错,他在唱歌,跳舞,微笑上均天赋异禀。

    He 's a complete package with the singing , the dancing and the sparkly smiling .

  19. 虽然它们“天赋异禀”,但是北极熊和黑熊不同,它们现在已经成为了濒危动物。

    Despite their impressiveness , polar bears , unlike black bears , are an endangered species .

  20. 尽管沃兹尼亚克天赋异禀,电源设计却非他能力所及。

    For all of Wozniak 's brilliance , this was not something he could have done .

  21. 一个教授认为他已经将关于左撇子更有可能天赋异禀的神话给推翻了。

    A professor reckons he has dispelled the myth that ' lefties'are more likely to be gifted .

  22. 而迅速地在六、七种语言之间来回切换,即使对于那些天赋异禀者来说,也几乎是不可能的。

    Switching quickly between more than around six or seven is near-impossible even for the most gifted .

  23. 他们都隐藏着这些天赋异禀,所以村里的居民没有人认为这五兄弟有什么奇特。

    They all hid these gifts , and no one in the village thought the brothers were queer .

  24. 我们怀疑自己,我会成为一个聪慧的、迷人的、天赋异禀的、光彩照人的谁吗?

    We ask ourselves , who am I to be brilliant , gorgeous , talented , and fabulous ?

  25. 于是我忽然想,为什么所有这些富人都有天赋异禀的孩子?

    So I suddenly figured that , how come all the rich people are having these extraordinarily gifted children ?

  26. 或许有些人的确是天赋异禀,不过我们多数人生来相差无几。

    Maybe some people do come into the world with special talents , but most people are born the same .

  27. 天赋异禀的美国人——我们的国家可以改变,我们的联盟将是完美的。

    For that is the true genius of America - that America can change . Our union can be perfected .

  28. 他们在身体方面、智力上或是艺术方面天赋异禀,好像不费吹灰之力就可以拔得头筹。

    They 're gifted physically , intellectually or artistically , and it appears as if they just float to the top .

  29. 包括张信哲、李克勤在内的7位天赋异禀的歌手都是《我是歌手4》总冠军的竞争者。

    Seven talented singers , including Jeff Chang and Hacken Lee , were among the competitors for the champion at the finale .

  30. 她不仅是一个天赋异禀的奥斯卡女演员,一个尽心尽职的慈善家,同时,她凭借独特的魅力激励着一代又一代的年轻女性。

    Not only was she a gifted , Oscar-winning actress and dedicated philanthropist , but she also inspired generations of young women with her signature style .