
  • 网络sky;Sky TV;BSkyB;Sky News
  1. 英国天空电视台(Sky)将调查3D电视的影响,由于有警告称它会使观众感到晕眩和觉得恶心。

    Sky is to investigate the effects of3D television , following warnings that it can leave viewers feeling dizzy and nauseous .

  2. 在英国的付费电视市场,VirginMedia已开始卷入一场与天空电视台(Sky)之间代价高昂且异常激烈的战斗。

    Virgin Media has become embroiled in an expensive and acrimonious battle with Sky in the UK pay-TV market .

  3. 但这仍远远不及英国天空电视台(Sky)与英国电信(BritishTelecom)为英格兰足球超级联赛(PremierLeague,简称:英超)支付的每赛季26亿美元转播费。英超是全球观看人数最多的国内足球联赛。

    But it is still way behind the $ 2.6bn per year that Sky and British Telecom are paying for the rights for England 's Premier League , the world 's most watched domestic league .

  4. 英国马拉松世界纪录保持者保拉拉德克里夫(PaulaRadcliffe)对天空电视台(Sky)表示,她希望对田径运动使用兴奋剂负有责任的相关人员“被绳之以法”。

    Speaking on Sky television , Paula Radcliffe , the British marathon world record holder , said " people hopefully will be brought to justice " over doping in athletics .

  5. 这些足球俱乐部能够大手笔支出,是因为英超20家球队与天空电视台(Sky)和英国电信(BT)签署了51亿英镑的新合同,每家球队都可以确保1亿英镑的电视转播权收入。

    Clubs are able to spend lavishly as all 20 Premier League teams have a guaranteed £ 100m in television rights revenues from a new £ 5.1bn deal with Sky and BT that came into effect this season .

  6. 默多克创立了一系列媒体资产(或者再创了在其他人手中原本江河日下的品牌),从《太阳报》(Sun)到天空电视台(BSkyB)。

    Mr Murdoch has founded ( or retooled from brands that had been allowed to fade by others ) a range of media properties , from The Sunnewspaper to BSkyB , the satellite broadcaster .

  7. 他表示:我们一直知道天空电视台很强大。

    We always knew that Sky was powerful .

  8. 众所周知的是,这样的直觉让他在尚未获得英国牌照之前就启动了天空电视台。

    This instinct famously led him to launch Sky before he had a valid British licence to do so .

  9. 科林先生还没有给多拉作检查,但是,在看过天空电视台拍摄的多拉伤势的医学片后,他还是持乐观的态度。

    Mr Collin has yet to examine Dorah , but he was optimistic after Sky TV shot medical footage of her injuries .

  10. 伊恩·艾耶尔还专门与联赛委员会之中与天空电视台洽谈的有关人士,但是没有人采纳我们的建议。

    Ian Ayre specifically consulted with the Premier League who had some discussion with Sky , but neither were able to accomodate our position .

  11. “一切准备就绪之后错过世界杯是非常令人失望的,”罗伯森告诉天空电视台。

    " To miss the World Cup when you 've built yourself up for it all year is a massive disappointment ," Robson told Sky Sports News .

  12. 我与尤文图斯之间有合同,我认为现在讨论我的未来还早,在尤文的圣诞派对上接受意大利天空电视台访问时说道。

    " I have a contract with Juventus and I believe now is too early to speak about my future ," said Camoranesi to Sky Italia during Juve 's Christmas party .

  13. 一位慷慨的朋友将他美丽的度假小屋借给了我,另外还有英国天空电视台收视许可(使我能够收听Radio4节目),一个18米长的游泳池和一台咖啡机。

    A generous friend lent me his beautiful chalet , complete with Sky TV ( which enabled me to listen to Radio 4 ), an 18m swimming pool and a coffee machine .

  14. 吉米14岁时开始当模特,曾上过英国天空电视台和独立电视台走秀。

    Miss Kime , who has modelled since she was14 and has presented several television shows for Sky and ITV , was on her way home to Chelsea when the stand-off took place .

  15. 天空电视台的一名女发言人称:“榜单中罗列的女性毫无疑问都改变过世界,她们的精神将一直激励我们。”

    A spokeswoman for Sky Arts said , ' There 's no doubt that the women on this list changed the world and continue to inspire people today . THE GREATEST ROLE MODELS 1 .

  16. 无论他得到他的愿望仍有待观察-意大利天空电视台报告,他由于在都灵,医疗,所以这其中可能有通过我们。

    Whether or not he gets his wish remains to be seen – Sky Italia are reporting that he 's due in Turin for a medical , so this one may have passed us by .

  17. 为控制危机,上周,默多克已经关闭了旗下小报《世界新闻报》,放弃了对付费电视巨头天空电视台的收购,并批准了两名高管布鲁克斯和莱斯辛顿(道琼斯公司首席执行官)的辞职。

    In the past week , Murdoch has closed the News of the World tabloid , abandoned his offer for control of pay-TV giant BSkyB and let go two top executives , Brooks and Dow Jones chief Les Hinton , in a bid to control the crisis .

  18. 意识形态可能变化不定,但曾在英国天空新闻电视台(SkyNews)长期担任外交事务主编的马歇尔表示,地缘政治的现实始终延续。

    Ideologies may come and go but , says Marshall , who served a long stint as diplomatic editor of Britain 's Sky News , such geopolitical facts of life endure .

  19. 布朗的金融大臣蒂姆斯在接受英国天空新闻电视台采访时说,由于最近的全球经济动荡,布朗首相希望能看到一些变革,包括增加对银行内部的监管。

    Timms says because of the recent global economic turmoil , the prime minister wants to see a number of changes brought in , including increased internal oversight at the banks .

  20. 更严重的是,这一事件有可能使得默多克对天空广播电视台的收购泡汤。天空广播电视台是一个利润十分可观的卫星广播电视台。它的母公司新闻集团目前已占其39%的股份。

    Much worse , for Mr Murdoch , is the slim chance that the scandal might affect his bid to buy the rest of BSkyB , a hugely profitable satellite broadcaster in which News Corporation , his parent company , already has a 39 % stake .

  21. 英国天空广播公司(bskyb)运营的天空新闻电视台(skynews)承认曾侵入犯罪嫌疑人的电子邮件,但表示此举是出于公众利益。

    Sky News , the British news channel run by BSkyB , has admitted hacking emails of individuals suspected of criminal activity but said that it did so in the public interest .