
  1. 法国建筑师保罗·慕乐(PaulMuller),是一位活跃于近代天津法租界的著名建筑师。

    French architect Paul · Muller ( Paul M ü ller ) , who was active in French concession of Tianjin , China in modern times , is a celebrated architect .

  2. 因此,研究天津法租界经济状况,对近代中法经济关系以及法国近代对华殖民政策作出全面准确的估量与评价是十分重要的。

    Therefore , it is very important to study the economic situations of the France Concession in Tianjin for the purpose of completely evaluating the Sino-French economic relationship and French settlement policy towards China in early modern period .

  3. 最后针对上文中天津原法租界的形态演变与空间分析的结论,对原法租界的保护和更新提出建议。

    Finally , according to the conclusions of the evolution of morphology and spatial analysis , we provide recommendations on the protection and renewal of the concession .