
  1. 试谈天体撞击对地球的影响

    The Effects of the Impact of Celestial Bodies on the Earth

  2. 地外天体撞击地球的数学模型

    Mathematical Modes of Colliding Batwing of Earth with Outside Objects

  3. 国内外对天体撞击地球的撞击构造研究的新进展

    Review of the recent progresses on impact structures in China and abroad

  4. 小天体撞击灾害

    The impact hazard of small objects

  5. 这些毁灭性的生态灾难使我们从小天体撞击灾害与大规模绝灭的相关性中看到它们的因果关系。

    The devastating ecological disaster makes us see the causal relationship between NEOimpacts and mass extinctionsfrom their correlation .

  6. 通过数学公式反映地外天体撞击地球的有关规律。

    The adoption of the relevant laws of celestial bodies colliding with Earth is reflected by the mathematical formula .

  7. 解释它为什么会绕着该轨道运行的唯一方法是一些巨大天体撞击的事实。

    The only way to explain why it orbits the orbit is the fact that some huge body you hit .

  8. 通过数学模型研究地外天体撞击地球的问题,得出地外天体撞击地球的概率公式。

    Through mathematical models to the study of celestial collision with Earth , the celestial collision probability formula is got .

  9. 隐爆地震可由高压流体、岩浆侵入、流体相变和天体撞击等作用引起。

    Hidden-explosive earthquake can be caused by high-pressure fluids , magmatic intrusion , facies change of fluids and celestial body collision .

  10. 文中也通过天体撞击作用探讨了地外因素对地球环境和生命演化的影响。

    Strikes of celestial bodies against the earth surface represented the possible impact of extraterrestrial factors upon the environment and life evolution on the earth .

  11. 小天体撞击探测任务具有很大的科学意义和价值,导航、制导与控制技术作为其关键技术之一,直接决定探测器的功能和性能,关系着探测任务的成功与否。

    The deep impact mission has great scientific values and implications . As one of its key technologies , The guidance , navigation and control ( GNC ) technology determines the functionality and performance of the probe directly , and relates to the success exploratory mission or not .

  12. 加斯帕形状不规则,显示它可能由较大的天体被撞击而成。

    Its very irregular shape suggests that the asteroid was derived from a larger body by nearly catastrophic collisions .

  13. 考虑到机动时机的选取和最终撞击的精度,针对小天体高速撞击任务的特点,设计了一种改进的末段预测制导律。

    An advanced predictive guidance law of impacting to small asteroids , which takes time of trajectory correction maneuvers and finally precision into account , is proposed .

  14. 首先,至少象这些行星这么大、甚至很可能更大的天体一定撞击过它们,使它们严重地偏离了原有的轨道,造成了其轨道明显地高于或低于恒星系统的平面。

    K.First , objects at least as large as these planets , and probably larger , must have shoved them severely out of their original orbits , probably well above or below the plane of their solar system .