
dà nào tiān gōng
  • Havoc in heaven;create a tremendous uproar
大闹天宫[dà nào tiān gōng]
  1. 孙悟空大闹天宫。

    The monkey king caused havoc in heaven .

  2. 任仲伦介绍说,3D版《大闹天宫》的对白、音乐和特效等将稍有变化。

    Only small changes to dialogue , musical and other effects will be made in the3D version , Ren said .

  3. 《大闹天宫》由上海美术电影制片厂在1961-1964年间制作,由法国LesFilmsdemaVie公司发行,是首部中国向世界出口的影片。

    Produced by Shanghai Art Film Studio from 1961 to 1964 and released by French company Les Films de ma Vie , animated feature " Uproar in Heaven " was one of the first films China exported to the world .

  4. 《大闹天宫》是一部典型的武戏。

    Havoc in heaven is a typical military play .

  5. 由甄子丹主演的《西游记之大闹天宫》于2014年上映。

    The monkey king , staring Donnie Yen , was released in 2014 .

  6. 外来艺术对《大闹天宫》的影响

    Influence of Foreign Art to Monkey King

  7. 库珀:才在牢里呆了三天,你就想着要大闹天宫。

    D.B.Cooper : Three days inside , and he 's already thinking about turning rabbit .

  8. 大闹天宫后,孙悟空遭擒拿被打入八卦炉冶炼。

    After the havoc in heaven monkey king is captured and sealed in a magic furnace .

  9. 而我国的商业动画与艺术动画在上个世纪六、七十年代曾一度辉煌,如影院动画片《大闹天宫》(张光宇造型)的京剧风格,《哪吒闹海》(张仃)造型的年画风格;

    Our animation and commercial art animation had brilliant in the last century the 1960s and 1970s .

  10. 就是那大闹天宫的齐天大圣孙悟空。

    He is Sun Wukong , the Great Sage Equaling Heaven , who made havoc in Heaven .

  11. 接线员:哦,那是一场保留剧目,名叫“大闹天宫”。

    Telephonist : Oh , its a reserved opera named " The Monkey Creaters Havoc in Heaven " .

  12. 《大闹天宫》是由万籁明导演、万氏四兄弟一起制作的动画电影。

    Uproar in Heaven is a Chinese animated feature film directed by Wan Laiming and produced by all four of the Wan brothers .

  13. 叫做《大闹天宫》,它讲述了一个猴子领导一群猴子违反天庭中玉皇大帝的规定。

    Havoc in Heaven , it tells the story of a monkey who leads a group of monkeys against the rule of the Emperor in heaven .

  14. 话说五百年前,有只大闹天宫的猴子被压在这里。

    The story goes like this : 500 years ago , a monkey who made big trouble in the heavenly palace was pressed under the mountain here .

  15. 其中困扰着研究者的大闹天宫与西天取经的矛盾,是人类自由精神和秩序精神矛盾统一的具体体现。

    The contradiction , his action between making trouble in the heavenly palace and seeking Buddhist Scripture , gives expression to the contradiction between the spirit of freedom and order .

  16. “大闹天宫”变成了俗语&当家长看到家中乱七八糟,老板看到办公室乌烟瘴气。

    " Havoc in heaven " has become a common expression used by a parent of a boss when they return to the house of office and see a mess .

  17. 作为中国动画的里程碑,《大闹天宫》用与众不同、正面积极的主题,以及深入、清晰且活泼的叙事方式,影响了一大批中国观众。

    As a milestone in China 's animation , " Uproar in Heaven " influenced many audiences in China with its distinctive and positive theme and deep , clear and high-spirited tone of storytelling .

  18. 另外,钟玉梅提到,中国拥有许多引人入胜的神话传说,对中国动漫来说是丰富的灵感源泉,如《铁扇公主》、《大闹天宫》等。

    In addition , Zhong Yumei said that China has many fascinating myths and legends , the Chinese animation is a rich source of inspiration , such as " Princess Iron Fan "," Monkey King " and so on .

  19. 在这期间,国产动画也有过《大闹天宫》、《三个和尚》等多部获奖动画的辉煌,然而近二十年却被外国动画占据了大部分市场,萎靡不振。

    During this period , there have been numbers of award-winning domestic animation , such as " Big Naotiangong ", " Three monks " . However in the last two decades , the domestic animation market was occupied by foreign animation .

  20. 在新中国的动画发展史上,曾经产生了《大闹天宫》、《哪吒闹海》、《小蝌蚪找妈妈》、《三个和尚》等具有强烈民族性的经典艺术作品。

    Even produce the " Monkey King "," Conquers the Dragon King "," Little Tadpole Looking for Mom " and " Three Monks " with a strong national character of the classic works of art in the development of China s animation .

  21. 最早的孙悟空动漫形象出现在电影《铁扇公主》,这部电影在亚洲引起了巨大的轰动,之后,《大闹天宫》塑造了深入人心的,富有浓厚民族气息的孙悟空经典动漫形象。

    The earliest image of the Monkey King cartoon appeared in " Princess Iron Fan ", this film caused a huge sensation in Asia , after the " Monkey King " shaped deep impression , rich in ethnic flavor of the classic cartoon image of the Monkey King .