
  • 网络Hammer;Sledgehammer;marcus
  1. 他用大铁锤砸我丈夫的头。

    He was hitting my husband in the head with a hammer .

  2. 那还不如用大铁锤打铁砧。

    It would be worse than beating an anvil with a sledge hammer .

  3. 长柄大铁锤砸木桩的碰撞;

    The impact of a sledgehammer on pilings ;

  4. 就好像是用大铁锤,钉一颗小钉子。

    They used a sledgehammer to * to drive a small nail you know .

  5. 一遇到砸树桩一类动土的活儿,我们就会用那个大铁锤。

    we used that hammer whenever we needed to pound a stake or something into the yard .

  6. 接着是生产锚和锚链的铁工厂,长柄的大铁锤整天叮叮当当地抡打着铁块。

    These were succeeded by anchor and chain-cable forges , where sledgehammers were dinging upon iron all day long .

  7. 当我小的时候的时候,我就用那个大铁锤在地上砸树桩什么的。

    When I was growing up , we used that hammer whenever we needed to pound a stake or something into the ground .

  8. 在我小的时候,我们就用那个大铁锤在地上砸树桩什么的。

    When I was growing up , we used that hammer whenever we needed to pound a stake or something into the gard .

  9. 我的祖父经常扛着一个大铁锤——在末尾熔了一大块铅的重铁管。

    My Grandpa used to carry an " Alley Oop " hammer -- a very iron pipe with a big hunk of lead melted on the end .

  10. 我的祖父经常扛着一个大铁锤,实际上是一根末端有大铅块、很重的铁管

    My Grandpa used to carry an " Alley Oop " hammer -- a heavy iron pipe with a big hunk of lead melted on the end .

  11. 接着,鯈和忽不管浑沌本人同意和不同意,一齐动手,一个拿把大凿子,一个抡起大铁锤,叮叮当当,在他头上每天凿一个孔。

    Then , regardless of whether Hun Dun would agree or not , Tiao and Hu began working on him . One took a big chisel3 and the other swung an iron hammer to bore one hole a day on Hun Dun 's head .

  12. 一个拿把大凿子,一个抡起大铁锤,叮叮当当,在他头上每天凿一个孔。

    One took a big chisel and the other swung an iron hammer to bore one hole a day on Hun Dun 's head .