
  1. 你大概早把它们忘了,粗心的大男生。

    You must have forgotten it in your big boy move .

  2. 大男生:动物园里有一只大象。

    Man : There 's a tiger in the zoo .

  3. 大男生和大女生:谢谢今天的派对!

    Man and Woman : Thanks for the party today !

  4. 大男生:向你的叔叔问好。

    Man : Say hello to your uncle .

  5. 大男生:关上灯。

    Man : Turn off the light .

  6. 这就是许嵩的力量,一个23岁大男生的歌声的力量。

    This is the power of Xu Song , a23 year old boy 's song power .

  7. 安吉拉:你们大男生真娇气,我一直认为伊瑞克会邀请我去舞会,但他到现在还没邀请我。

    Angela : You guys are babies . So , I keep thinking that Eric 's gonna ask me to the prom , and then he just doesn 't.

  8. 在皎洁的月光下,一个大男生,弹着吉他,很动情地对着他心爱的女子,唱着,月亮代表他的心

    In the bright moonlight , a boy with a guitar , is singing to her beloved girl about his deep love for her , and the pure moon can represent his pure love

  9. 我是一只小猫,两个多月大的男生。

    I am a kitty , a boy as2 months more .

  10. 采用自定量化目标的策略,男生获得的成绩要显著好于女生,而且学习的技术难度越大,男生的优势就越突出。

    Boys had better performance than girls ' by establishing tangible self-set goals .

  11. 对未来职业领域的探索,大二男生显著高于女生。

    For the exploration of future career , the male students in grade two are obviously higher than the female student .

  12. 我们没必要质问特殊的家庭模式--被非亲生父母抚养大的男生更有可能表现出攻击性。

    We mustn 't question alternative forms of family , though boys brought up without their biological fathers are more likely to demonstrate aggression .

  13. 从数据上可以看出只有极少数男生主动学习英语,而绝大数男生学习英语的主动性都较差。

    According to the data , only a handful of boys are active to learn English , while the majority of boys are less motivated to learn English .

  14. 力量素质保持的较好。3.大一男生的心肺功能整体水平上高于大三男生,大一男生机体有氧工作能力较强。

    Power to maintain a better quality . 3 . Freshman boys is higher than the overall level of cardiopulmonary junior boys , freshman boys body aerobic ability .

  15. 学校里大一些的男生过去常常取笑他。

    The older boys at school used to tease him .

  16. 大三年级男生的速度素质和耐力素质呈下降的趋势。

    Junior grade male rate the quality of quality and endurance downward trend .

  17. 她们年龄偏大而且其中不乏男生。

    They were older and the group also included a few boys .

  18. [结论]男大学生性心理变化比较大,高年级男生性心理比较活跃;

    [ Conclusions ] Boy students ' sex psychology vary greatly and is more active in high grade ;