
dà qì huán liú
  • atmospheric circulation
  1. 热带大气环流对低纬太平洋SST暖异常的响应

    Response of the tropical atmospheric circulation to the low & latitude Pacific SST warm anomaly

  2. 1982/83和1986/87ELNino现象的热带大气环流背景

    The atmospheric circulation in tropic daring 1982 / 83 and 1986 / 87 El Nino Events

  3. NinoC区秋季海温异常对东亚冬季大气环流的影响

    Possible impacts of Nino C SSTA on Winter Atmospheric General Circulation over East Asia

  4. 中纬度北太平洋SST异常与大气环流的关系

    Midlatitude North Pacific SST anomaly in relation to atmospheric circulations

  5. 山东夏季降水与北太平洋SST和大气环流的关系

    Relationship among Summer Rainfall in Shandong and North Pacific SST and Atmospheric Circulations

  6. 本文研究了北半球冬季大气环流结构对CO2温室效应的响应特征。

    In this paper , the response characters of general circulation structure to CO2 greenhouse effect in northern hemisphere during winter arc studied .

  7. 热带海洋SST与北半球大气环流的低频振荡特征

    The character of low-frequency oscillation in the Tropic Ocean SST and Northern Hemisphere atmosphere circulation

  8. 1986&1987年北半球冬季亚澳地区大气环流异常及其与西太平洋SST异常的联系

    1986-87 northern winter asia / australia circulation anomalies with their relation to the Western Pacific SST

  9. ELNino演变不同阶段东亚大气环流年际异常型的数值模拟

    Numerical modeling of interannual anomalous atmospheric circulation patterns over East Asia during different stages of an El Nino event

  10. ENSO事件与青藏高原积雪和东亚大气环流的可能联系

    Relationship of ENSO Event with the Snow Cover in Qinghai-Xizang Plateau and Atmosphere Circulation in the East Asia

  11. 本文分析了用IAP两层大气环流模式模拟的海表动量和热量通量,并将其同Han等和Esbensen等的气候资料比较。

    The sea surface heat and momentum fluxes simulated by using the IAP Two-Level Atmospheric General Circulation Model are analyzed in this paper .

  12. 冬季黑潮区域SSTA的时空演变及其与大气环流的联系

    Spatial / Temporal Features of SSTA in Kuroshio Current Region and Its Relations to General Circulation

  13. 这种研究大尺度大气环流与区域气候变量&温度、降水之间关系的方法是一种统计降尺度(statisticaldownscaling)方法,可以用于区域气候预测。

    This classification scheme is a statistical downscaling model and its relationships with temperature and precipitation can be used to forecast the regional climate .

  14. 本文用AR谱分析方法分析了1976&1980年地球自转速率的资料和大气环流的资料,以及用调和分析计算了各周期项的振幅及相位,并计算了大气环流的激发函数。

    In this paper , the rate of the Earth 's rotation and the atmospheric circulation in 1976 & 1980 are analysed with AR spectral analysis and Harmonic analysis .

  15. 冬季NPO突变前后大气环流和我国天气气候的变化

    Changes of General Circulation and Weather and Climate in China before and after the Wintertime North Pacific Oscillation Jump

  16. 建立两种不同的合成模型分析太平洋SSTA与大气环流演变特征。

    On base of results above , composite model of SSTA in Pacific and circulation anomaly are constructed for analysis their evolution .

  17. 科学家们一般采用全球大气环流模型(GCMs)来进行飓风预报。

    Scientists generally rely on atmospheric global circulation models ( GCMs ) for cyclone forecasting .

  18. 采用IAP九层全球大气环流模式进行了南极臭氧洞气候效应的数值试验。

    To study the impact of Antarctic Ozone Hole on the global climate , a numerical experiment was carried out with IAP9L AGCM .

  19. 70年代末以前,ENSO事件对近赤道大气环流的影响可以延伸至中纬的亚洲地区,而70年代末以后其影响则局限在热带、副热带地区。

    Before late 1970s , the impact of ENSO on near-equatorial circulation can reach to mid-latitude Asia , while its impacts are localized to tropical-subtropical after that time .

  20. 对未来CO2倍增条件下7个大气环流模型预测的气候情景的模拟结果表明:落叶阔叶林将显著增加,但针叶林、灌木和草原的分布将下降。

    The simulations for future climate scenarios projected by general circulation models ( GCM ) with doubled atmospheric CO2 concentration predicted that deciduous broadleaf forests would increase , but conifer forests , shrubs and grasses would decrease .

  21. 近20年的PDO暖位相与东亚大气环流的年代际变化基本同步。

    The warm phase of PDO in the recent 20 years basically coincides with the increasing trend of the atmospheric circulation in East Asia .

  22. 基本上可预报中、高纬地区由ENSO引起的冬、夏季大气环流异常(包括气温和降水),超前时间可达9个月至1年。

    The ENSO related winter and summer atmospheric circulation anomalies ( including air temperature and precipitation ) can be basically predicted with the lead time being up 9 to 12 months .

  23. 本文利用1979年的FGGEⅢb资料研究了1&7月平流层大气环流的季节变化以及变化期间南北半球、东西半球的不同演变特征。

    Using FGGE ⅲ b data in 1979 , the seasonal variation of global atmospheric circulation in stratosphere and their relationship during January to July has been studied in the paper .

  24. 首先,无论是黑潮区SSTA引起的邻响应还是赤道东太平洋SSTA所引起的遥响应对东亚大气环流和气候变化的影响都是明显而重要的。

    At first , for the atmospheric circulation and climatic variations in East Asia , both the border response and the remote response to SSTA are all obvious and important .

  25. 长江中下游6&7月降水异常与500hPa大气环流的关系

    Relationship between the June-July precipitation anomalies in mid-lower Yangtze River and 500 hPa atmospheric circulation

  26. Georges为例,研究了海洋型背景降水受海洋大气环流控制,化学组份来源于海洋气溶胶。

    Georges in Atlantic ocean as example , we studied that ocean type background precipitation is controlled by ocean atmospheric circulation , its chemical compositions come from ocean aerosol .

  27. 本文运用90&180°E热带地区的多种月平均资料及恢平均资料,对1985年7月弱辐合带和8月强辐合带的热带大气环流特点作了分析。

    In this paper , characteristics of the tropical general circulation during the strong ITCZ period of August and weak ITCZ period of July , 1985 are studied by using some kinds of monthly mean and pentad mean data over the tropical area between 90 ° - 180 ° E.

  28. 采用经验正交函数(EOF)分解、奇异值分解(SVD)及相关、合成分析等方法,分析了太平洋海温异常分布与东亚大气环流及长江中下游降水的关系。

    By using the methods of EOF , SVD , correlation and composite analysis , the relationship between Pacific SSTA pattern and rainfall in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River is investigated .

  29. 研究表明,区域气候模式REMO能够较好地模拟出东亚地区高、低空的大气环流特征,模拟的高度场、流场和温度场与NCEP再分析资料场都比较一致。

    Also compared the simulation results for high and low air levels with NCEP re-analysis data to check the simulation ability of REMO for East Asia monsoon .

  30. 对应北太平洋海表温度(SST)年代际变化的两个基本模态,即25~35年模和7~10年模,分析研究了北半球大气环流和气候异常的形势。

    Anomalous patterns of atmospheric circulation and climate are studied corresponding to two basic interdecadal modes of the sea surface temperature ( SST ) in the North Pacific , i.e. , the 25 ~ 35-year mode and 7 ~ 10-year mode .