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  • adductor magnus;great adductor
  1. 目的:为带蒂大收肌移植修复肛门外括约肌提供解剖学资料。

    Objective : To provide anatomical data for transplanting adductor magnus flap and repairing sphincter ani external .

  2. 后腿大收肌使股骨延伸,并帮助脚稳定地落于地板上。

    The back-leg adductor magnus extends the thigh bone and helps stabilize the foot on the floor .

  3. 短收肌和大收肌的前部纤维由闭孔神经后支支配,进入大收肌的神经入肌点与同侧耻骨结节之间距离为(122.2±18.4)mm(102~145mm)。

    The anterior muscle fibers belonging to both adductor brevis and magnus are innervated by the posterior branch of obturator nerve , accordingly , it measures 122.2 ± 18.4mm ( 102 ~ 145mm ) from the nervous origin in adductor magnus to the ipsilateral pubic tubercle .

  4. 大收肌带蒂移植修复肛门外括约肌的解剖学基础

    Anatomical base for adductor magnus flap transplanting and constructing sphincter ani externus

  5. 吻合血管大收肌肌腱游离移植修复跟腱缺损的初步报告

    Transplantation of Vascularized Adductor Magnus Tendon for the Repair of Achilles Tendon Defect

  6. 在同经线上的腓肠肌内侧头和大收肌注射辣椒素后,与基础放电频率相比,生殖股神经传出放电明显增加;

    The genitofemoral nerve ( GFN ) efferent discharge was facilitated by capsaicin injection of the gastrocnemius medialis and the adductor magnus belonging to the liver meridian ;

  7. 在解剖基准位,髂腰肌、耻骨肌、长收肌、短收肌、大收肌下部对髋关节有旋内功能;

    At standard anatomic attitude , the iliopsoas , pectineus , adductor longus , adductor brevis , lower part of adductor magnus have the function of inside-revolve to hip joint and gracilis has outside-revolve function .

  8. 方法通过对42侧下肢标本解剖、观测大收肌肌腱的形态和血供的来源、走行和分布情况,设计了吻合膝降血管的大收肌肌腱游离移植修复跟腱缺损的术式。

    Methods Based on morphologic observation and blood supply of the adductor magnus tendon on 42 adult cadaverous lower limp specimens , free adductor magnus tendon transfer anastomosing the descending genicular vessel were designed for 10 clinical cases in the repair of Achilles tendon defect .

  9. 临床应用10例,其中陈旧性跟腱缺损8例,跟腱伴皮肤缺损2例,分别采用吻合血管的大收肌肌腱和大收肌肌腱-皮瓣游离移植修复。

    Reconstruction of neglected Achilles tendon defect was performed with vascularized transfer of the adductor magnus tendon in 8 cases . The other 2 patients associated with the soft tissue loss were operated upon with composite free saphenous neuro - vascular flap and the adductor magnus tendon .