
  • 网络Lady Cop & Papa Crook;Lady Cop And Papa Crook;MBLAQ G.O Edit;LADY COP PAPA CROOK;Berose
  1. 发动了一场找寻丢失文件的大搜查。

    A huge search for the missing documents was mounted .

  2. 现在一个国际性的大搜查开始了。

    There 's an international search underway .

  3. 康乃迪克州与马萨诸塞州当局对亚伦·赫尔南德斯家乡的一片湖泊进行了大搜查。

    Connecticut and Massachusetts authorities searched in and around a lake in the hometown of Aaron Hernandez .

  4. 资格考试大搜查

    Searching For Qualification Exam

  5. 随后警方立刻展开对该名囚犯的大范围搜查。

    A full-scale investigation was launched with police searching frantically for the prisoner .

  6. 完善我国搜查程序之构想&以两大法系搜查程序为借鉴

    A Conception of Perfecting the Search Procedure in China by Referring to the Search Procedure in the Two Major Law Systems

  7. 借鉴两大法系搜查程序的相关规定,提出完善我国搜查程序的设想。

    This paper uses the search procedure in the two major law systems as reference to conceive a tentative idea of perfecting the search procedure in China .

  8. 第二部分是两大法系主要国家刑事搜查制度的考察和比较,通过分析得出两大法系国家刑事搜查立法的共同点和差异,以期为我国所借鉴。

    Second , it compares the difference of criminal search system in the Continental Law System and Common Law System .