
  • 网络Mahamudra;Maha Mudra;Mudra
  1. 在这段期间,他从第八世康祖仁波切得到灌顶、大手印教学和引导;

    In this period he received initiations , Mahamudra teachings and instructions from The Eighth Kyabje Khamtrul Rinpoche .

  2. 所以我们把这个仪轨或修法叫做:大悲心与大手印的双运。

    Particularly in this Sadhana , therefore we call this Sadhana or this path : none dual great compassion and Mahamudra .

  3. 他自第十六世大宝法王处领受了许多大手印法教,包含了所有的口诀心要。

    He received many teachings of mahamudra , including all the oral pith instructions from the16th karmapa .

  4. 大桥下面,鲁班用力托住桥身,留下了一只大手印。

    Beneath the bridge , lu Ban left a big hand print when he tried to prop up the bridge .

  5. 尽管米拉热巴承认他从来没有研究过学问,他在佛教的宇宙哲学和教义的高深领域中显示了完备的知识,特别是《中观论》和《大手印》。

    Though Milarepa admitted he had never worked toward scholarship , he demonstrated a thorough knowledge in depth of Buddhist metaphysics and doctrines , especially Madhyamika and Mahamudra .

  6. 2010年10月31日黎巴嫩红十字会成员在首都贝鲁特体育城体育场展示了一份4600平方米大的手印画,该画创造了新的吉尼斯世界纪录。

    On October 31 , a 4600-square-meter handprint artwork was assembled at the Cite Sportive stadium in Beirut , Lebanon . And it breaks the Guinness World Record for the largest handprint work .