
  • 网络grr;grand rapid
  1. 福特总统的遗体将于星期三埋葬在密歇根州的故乡大急流城。

    President Ford 's remains will be buried Wednesday in Grand Rapids , Michigan , where he grew up .

  2. 大急流城的许多人在城内各个地点都向这位前总统敬献了鲜花和表达哀悼之情。

    Many in Grand Rapids have placed flowers and other tributes to the former president at various points in the city .

  3. 安利公司董事长史提夫o温安洛的父亲是安利联合创始人之一。在最近接受《财富》采访时,温安洛谈到了直销商业模式遭受的种种抨击、安利在中国的成功以及安利未来的国际扩张计划。安利总部位于密歇根州大急流城(GrandRapids)。

    Amway Chairman Steve Van Andel , the son of one of the company co-founders , recently spoke with Fortune about criticisms of the direct-selling business model , its China success , and the next step in Grand Rapids , Michigan-based Amway 's international expansion .

  4. 如果把储物架摆放在办公桌桌面下方,打造出一块隐藏的储物空间,“你就看不到所有乱七八糟的杂物了,”在密歇根州大急流城的Steelcase任高级应用经理的瓦妮莎?布拉德利(VanessaBradley)表示。

    When shelving is ' layered ' beneath desk surfaces to create hidden storage space , ' your eye doesn 't see all the clutter , ' says Vanessa Bradley , advanced applications manager at Steelcase , Grand Rapids , Mich.

  5. 星期二,人群集聚在大急流城,期望能看上一眼带着福特总统棺材送往总统博物馆的灵车。

    Crowds gathered Tuesday in Grand Rapids to catch a glimpse of the hearse carrying Mr.

  6. 比克在他的博客上重述了这个故事:在大急流城马拉松比赛中,我的女儿被推着参加比赛。

    ' I watched my daughter Maddy being pushed in the Grand Rapids Marathon , ' he recounted on his blog .

  7. 前任美国第一夫人贝蒂福德的最后一次悼念仪式在她的故乡密歇根州的大急流城举行,军方仪仗队正搬运着她的棺木。

    And with a military honor guard carrying her casket , the final memorial service was held for Betty Ford in her hometown of Grand Rapids , Michigan .

  8. 贝蒂·福特一生中都挚爱舞蹈,十岁时,她就在密歇根的大急流城参加交际舞学习班,自如的跳华尔兹和狐步舞。

    All her life , Betty Ford loved to dance . At ten she was gliding round to the waltz and the foxtrot at social-dancing classes in Grand Rapids , Michigan .