
  1. 用不了多久,它就会变成一个大市镇。

    It 'll be quite a large town soon .

  2. 荡口镇是一个繁华的大市镇,华氏是其中一个人口众多的大家族。

    Dangkou was a prosperous town , and the group with family name Hua was influential .

  3. 圣日耳曼镇已是一个大市镇,有十五到二十条街道。

    The Bourg Saint-Germain , already a large community , formed fifteen or twenty streets in the rear ;

  4. 市镇中涌现出一批中等市镇和大市镇,这些市镇是河南与外地商品流通的重要节点。

    Some medium-sized towns and large towns , which were the important juncture in which the commodities circulated between Henan and other areas .

  5. 除应积极注意各县城和大市镇的职工运动外,并应在政权机关中增加工人的代表。

    Besides paying close attention to the labour movement in the county towns and other big towns , we should increase the workers ' representation in the government bodies .

  6. 他开车穿过几座大的工业市镇。

    He drove through several large industrial towns .

  7. 新市镇由两个分别位于东涌及大蚝的市镇发展组成,预期到二零一一年总人口将达32万。

    The two urban development areas , at Tung Chung and Tai Ho , will have a total target population of 320 000 by 2011 .

  8. 相比于省政府与大区政府,市镇政府作为法国最基层的地方政府组织,在制度上拥有更大的治理自由与空间。

    Compared with the department governments and the region ones , the commune governments , as the basic local government in France , own the larger governance space .

  9. 春去夏来,8月份我和诺埃尔先生一起去了兰开斯特。兰开斯特离里德宅院有30英里远,因为一连几小时坐在马背上,我很疲惫。兰开斯特是一个大而喧闹的市镇。

    Spring changed into summer , and in August I went to Lan - caster with Mr Nowell . Lancaster was thirty miles from Read Hall , and I got very tired because I sat on a horse for hours .