
dà tú shā
  • massacre;holocaust;genocide;carnage;blood bath;wholesale slaughter
  1. 这场大屠杀是一桩反人类的罪行。

    The massacre was a crime against humanity .

  2. 他装死才在大屠杀中死里逃生。

    He survived the massacre by feigning death .

  3. 这次大屠杀无人幸免。

    Nobody survived the massacre .

  4. 奥辛威茨集中营总是让世人想起大屠杀。

    The Auschwitz concentration camp always remind the world of the holocaust .

  5. 忘记了大屠杀,大屠杀就有可能再次发生!

    If we forget the massacre , the massacre will happen again !

  6. 革命法庭投入工作,持续不断的大屠杀开始了

    The Revolutionary Tribunal went to work , and a steady slaughtering began .

  7. 安曼广播电台播放的一则声明提到了野蛮的侵略和骇人的大屠杀。

    A statement on Amman Radio spoke of bestial aggression and a horrible massacre .

  8. 内贾德否认大屠杀,因为他像希特勒一样残忍。

    Ahmadinejad is denying the holocaust because he 's as brutal as Hitler was .

  9. 在当一位系谱学者揭露她之后承认自己关于二战犹太大屠杀的畅销书是捏造的。

    Misha Defonseca acknowledged her bestselling Holocaust story as a fake after a genealogist outed her . MishaDefonseca

  10. 《耶路撒冷之前的艾希曼:大屠杀制造者未经审视的人生》(EichmannBeforeJerusalem:TheUnexaminedLifeofaMassMurderer)。

    EICHMANN BEFORE JERUSALEM : The Unexamined Life of a Mass Murderer .

  11. 安妮·弗兰克(AnneFrank)对大屠杀强有力的叙述打动了数百万人的心。

    Well , Anne Frank touched millions with her powerful account of the Holocaust .

  12. 美国大屠杀纪念馆也要求人们在参观的时候不要在手机上玩《PokemonGo》。

    The US Holocaust Memorial Museum has asked people not to play Pokemon Go on their phones during their visit .

  13. 8月19日,该组织在Twitter上说道:“关注@HWLeaks,看所有最新的好莱坞大屠杀。”

    On August 19 , the group tweeted : ' Follow @ HWLeaks for all the latest Hollywood carnage . ' '

  14. 为了阐述下一场宗教冲突,他向读者介绍了大屠杀中的一名幸存者、安妮·弗兰克(AnneFrank)的童年朋友。

    To illustrate a later episode of religious conflict , heintroduces the reader to a Holocaust survivor , a childhood acquaintance of Anne Frank .

  15. 尼克松的“周六夜大屠杀”(Saturdaynightmassacre)——炒掉了特别检察官阿奇博尔德?考克斯(ArchibaldCox)——是唯一的先例。

    Nixon 's " Saturday night massacre " in which he fired Archibald Cox , the special prosecutor , is the only precedent .

  16. v.大屠杀来自东部的猎人屠杀平原的水牛,在很短的时间内就杀了好几百万头。

    massacre The hunters came from the East to massacre the buffalos of the plains , killing several million in a short time .

  17. 1929年2月14日,情人节大屠杀中,歹徒AlCapone的七个对手在芝加哥一车库被枪。

    On Feb. 14 , 1929 , seven rivals of gangster Al Capone were gunned down in a Chicago garage in the St. Valentine 's Day Massacre .

  18. 晚年,他重新找回自己的犹太人传统。1991年,他制作并主演电视电影《永不忘记》(NeverForget),该片是根据一个犹太大屠杀幸存者的故事创作的,这名幸存者起诉了一个否认大屠杀的新纳粹组织。

    In later years , he rediscovered his Jewish heritage , and in 1991 he produced and starred in " Never Forget , " a television movie based on the story of a Holocaust survivor who sued a neo-Nazi organization of Holocaust deniers .

  19. 在该市唯一的同性恋酒吧、昏暗的TattleTails,周日晚上举办了为Pulse大屠杀死难者守夜的活动。

    At the city 's only gay bar , a dingy venue called Tattle Tails , a vigil was held on Sunday night for the victims of the Pulse massacre .

  20. 主要围绕外号“Verbal”的骗子罗杰·金特接受警方讯问展开,停靠在洛杉矶港上的船只着火,他是船上大屠杀中两名仅有的幸存者中的一名。

    The film follows the interrogation of Roger " Verbal " Kint , a small-time con man who is one of only two survivors of a massacre and fire on a ship docked at the Portof Los Angeles .

  21. 另外两张照片则是Daryl和T-Dog摆出的攻击造型,意思是第一集的行尸大屠杀还没有结束。

    The other two shots feature Daryl and T-Dog in badass mode , suggesting that the premiere 's walker massacre isn 't over yet .

  22. 哈马斯被放逐的领导KhaledMashal谴责以色列的进攻是一次大屠杀。

    Khaled Mashal , Hamas 's leader in exile , condemned Israel 's offensive as a holocaust .

  23. 培训师在Bubbles的脸书页面描述说她是“一只看起来又小又无助的大象”,Bubbles的父母死于象牙交易的大屠杀中,这场持续了20年的大屠杀在1989年因为象牙进口禁令才终结。

    The trainer describes her as ' small and helpless for an elephant ' on the animal 's Facebook page , after her parents were killed for their tusks during a 20 year slaughter which ended with the ban on ivory import in 1989 .

  24. 种族大屠杀研究机构,Aegis,组织来自世界各地的专家研究大屠杀的起因并提出阻止策略,为将来各政府和各组织干涉这种行为提供帮助。

    The Genocide Prevention Research Initiative , known as Aegis , brings together academics from around the globe to research the causes of genocide and suggest prevention strategies for future intervention by governments and organisations .

  25. 据法国检察官弗朗索瓦•莫林斯(FrançoisMolins)介绍,布哈勒为实施这场大屠杀作了精心准备,他在7月4日租下这辆卡车,并在袭击当日几次到海滨踩点。

    Bouhlel meticulously prepared the massacre , renting the truck on July 4 and repeatedly checking the seafront the day of the slaughter , according to French prosecutor Fran ç ois Molins .

  26. 当时希特勒就是在这座建筑里决定发起第二次世界大战和犹太人大屠杀(theHolocaust)。该总理府花园底下就是地堡,希特勒最后就是在这里自杀的。

    This was the building where the decisions leading to World War II and the Holocaust were made , and beneath the chancellery 's gardens was the bunker complex in which Hitler would finally commit suicide .

  27. 正象非支(Fiji)群岛的蛮族认为子杀其父,友杀其友是一种责任。于是,一种实践的悲观主义可能产生一种残忍的道德观,认为大屠杀是出于怜悯;——

    like the inhabitants of the Fiji islands , they had strangled their parents and friends -- a practical pessimism that might even have generated a gruesome ethic of genocide [ V ö lkermord . ] motivated by pity , and which incidentally is , and was ,

  28. 生于匈牙利的犹太作家、大屠杀(Holocaust)集中营的幸存者、同为诺贝尔文学奖得主的凯尔泰斯•伊姆雷(KertészImre)说:“虽然我们不曾涉猎同样的题材,但我们是朋友,我们相互尊重。”

    Imre Kertesz , a Hungarian-born ­ Jewish writer and Holocaust concentration camp survivor who also won a literature Nobel , said : " We did not deal with the same subjects but we were friends and we had mutual respect . "

  29. 一场听证会将在华盛顿大屠杀博物馆进行拍摄,联邦法官将审判犯罪嫌疑人JamesvonBrunn,其父是一名种族优越论者,该男子称希望自己的父亲在周三的摄影前已经死去。

    A court hearing is scheduled today in the shooting at the Holocaust Memorial Museum in D. C , a federal judge will hear how the suspect James von Brunn is recovering , the son of the reputed white supremacist says , he wishes his father would have died in Wednesday shooting instead .

  30. 在戛纳接受时报采访时,杰莱斯说,他希望突破大屠杀电影的传统,尤其是史蒂芬·斯皮尔伯格(StevenSpielberg)过于多情善感的《辛德勒的名单》(Schindler’sList)。《索尔之子》将于周五在美国上映。

    In an interview at Cannes , Mr. Nemes told The Times that he wanted to move beyond the traditional conventions of Holocaust films , and in particular what he sees as the overly sentimental vision of Steven Spielberg 's " Schindler 's List . " " Son of Saul " will be released in the United States on Friday .