
  • 网络commodity market
  1. 上述数据显示,美联储(fed)可能不会那么热衷于大幅降息,同时美元汇率有所反弹,这一因素应该会导致大宗商品市场走弱。

    The data suggested that the Federal Reserve may not be so keen to cut US interest rates aggressively , and the dollar rallied a factor that should weaken commodity markets .

  2. 20国集团(g20)不妨以非对抗的方式,开始着手处理这个问题,坚定地把建设大宗商品市场监督机制列入议程。

    The group of 20 can begin to bring this about in a non-confrontational manner by putting mechanisms to monitor commodity markets firmly on its agenda .

  3. 总部位于华盛顿的IMF曾准确预测到近期若干价格变动,因此其观点引起了大宗商品市场的关注。

    The commodities market pays attention to the IMF 's views as the Washington-based organisation has accurately predicted some recent price movements .

  4. 大宗商品市场的最大投资者之一贝莱德(blackrock)也看多铀价。

    BlackRock , one of the largest investors in commodities , is also bullish .

  5. 自去年汉龙接洽sundance以来,全球大宗商品市场一路下滑。

    Global commodities markets have tumbled since Hanlong made its approach to Sundance last year .

  6. 今年4月,比奇退出了对BeachDiscretionaryProgramme的管理。在之前17年的管理中,他通过金融和大宗商品市场交易,实现了19%的平均年回报率。

    Mr Beach retired from managing the Beach Discretionary Programme in April this year after 17 years , having returned an average 19 per cent a year trading financial and commodity markets .

  7. 美联储(Fed)购买3000亿美元美国国债的计划,导致投资者纷纷涌入大宗商品市场。此前由于市场担心全球正走向经济萧条,大宗商品价格曾出现大幅下跌。

    Plans by the Federal Reserve to buy $ 300bn of US government debt triggered the stampede into commodities markets , which had suffered sharp price falls on worries that the world was heading for a depression .

  8. 不喜张扬的交易商嘉能可(glencore)以对全球大宗商品市场的深远影响而著称,目前该公司正在研究上市计划。

    Glencore , the publicity-averse trading house renowned for its far-reaching influence on global commodity markets , is exploring a stock market flotation .

  9. 通过向企业支付补贴以储存橄榄油,欧盟一直努力应对橄榄油供应过剩的局面,这好比是欧洲央行(ecb)购入西班牙、意大利和希腊主权债券在大宗商品市场的翻版。

    The EU has tried to deal with the surplus by paying companies to stockpile oil the commodities market version of the European central bank buying sovereign bonds of Spain , Italy and Greece .

  10. 尽管越来越多的投资者涌入大宗商品市场,IMF仍重申了自己的观点,即在大宗商品价格形成方面,起主要作用的仍然是供需基本面,而不是金融投资。

    In spite of rising investor flows to commodities markets , the IMF reiterated its view that demand - and supply-related fundamentals , rather than financial investment , continue to play the dominant role in commodity price formation .

  11. 大宗商品市场10年来最糟糕的低迷昨日笼罩采矿业。业内最老牌的公司之一英美资源集团(AngloAmerican)暂停派发股息,并宣布将裁掉三分之二员工。

    The worst slump in commodity markets for a decade engulfed the mining sector yesterday after Anglo American , one of the industry 's most venerable names , shelved its dividend and said it would cut two-thirds of its workforce .

  12. 美国大宗商品市场主要监管机构商品期货交易委员会(commodityfuturestradingcommission,简称cftc)昨日告诉美国国会,将对华尔街银行的交易“加强控制”,并迫使它们就自己的交易头寸公布最新数据。

    The Commodity Futures Trading Commission , the main regulator of commodity markets , told the US Congress yesterday that it was imposing " enhanced control " on dealing by Wall Street banks and forcing them to publish new data on their positions .

  13. 联合国粮食及农业组织(FAO)认为,由于人口变动和收入快速增长,发展中国家对大宗商品市场走势的影响力正在迅速上升。

    The United Nations ' Food and Agriculture Organization believes that as a result of population dynamics and rapid income growth , the role of developing countries in commodities market developments is increasing at a rapid pace .

  14. 由于全球衰退对股市、固定收益及大宗商品市场的冲击,全球ETF价值从去年4月份的8050亿美元急剧下降到去年年底的7110亿美元。

    The value of global ETFs plunged from $ 805bn in April 2008 to $ 711bn at the end of last year as the global recession hit stock , fixed income and commodity markets .

  15. 内瑟伍德表示:CTA存在的历史超过30年,因此它是一个成熟的投资类别,并在受益于近期大宗商品市场的繁荣方面,处于有利地位。

    " CTAs have been around for more than 30 years , so are an established investment class , and are in a prime position to take advantage of the recent boom in commodity markets ," he says .

  16. 总部位于伦敦的Clive管理着约50亿美元的客户资金。据信,该基金是上周晚些时候大宗商品市场遭遇意外抛售时遭受打击的几家大型对冲基金中最大的。

    London-based Clive – which manages an estimated $ 5bn of client money – is the biggest of several big hedge funds believed to be reeling after the unexpected sell-off hit markets late last week .

  17. 韬睿惠悦(TowersWatson)资深投资顾问阿拉斯代尔麦克唐纳(AlasdairMacdonald)表示:养老基金只控制了全球大宗商品市场的很小一块,肯定不足以推动价格的长期大幅变动。

    Pension funds control a very small slice of the global commodities market and certainly not enough to move the price drastically over the long term , says Alasdair Macdonald , senior investment consultant at Towers Watson .

  18. 就连股市也反映出大宗商品市场的回暖。

    Even stocks point to an improvement in the commodity market .

  19. 相反,2014年的大宗商品市场仅仅提供一个周期性的投资机会。

    Rather , they simply represent a cyclical investment opportunity for 2014 .

  20. 中国进口下降对大宗商品市场构成下行压力。

    The drop in Chinese imports weighed on commodities markets .

  21. 2006年,大宗商品市场连续第5年实现增长。

    Commodity markets have posted a fifth year of gains in 2006 .

  22. 大宗商品市场正在迎来更大幅度的调整吗?

    Is the commodity market heading for a larger correction ?

  23. 我还有能源和贵金属基金,正好也赶上了大宗商品市场的牛市行情。

    And energy and precious-metal funds that rode the bull commodities market .

  24. 进入大宗商品市场已变得更为容易。

    It has become easier to access the commodities markets .

  25. 大宗商品市场和艺术品市场之间建立了看似不可能的联系。

    The commodities market and the art market have grown unlikely links .

  26. 提高大宗商品市场的透明度和竞争性,符合全球的共同利益。

    More transparent and competitive commodity markets are in the global public interest .

  27. 中国经济形势也左右了大宗商品市场走向。

    Developments in China move commodities markets , too .

  28. 庞大的外汇储备和走势强劲的大宗商品市场也推升了市场人气。

    High foreign exchange reserves and strong commodity markets are also helping sentiment .

  29. 抛售行为仅限于大宗商品市场,股市仍相对稳定。

    The sell-off was confined to commodities , with equities remaining relatively unaffected .

  30. 中国国有企业过去也曾经在国际大宗商品市场上吃过亏。

    State-owned China Inc has been burned on the international commodities markets before .