
  • 网络Internationalization of universities;university internationalization
  1. 中国大学国际化建设研究

    Research on the Construction of the University Internationalization in China

  2. 中国大学国际化探析&以清华大学学生国际化为例

    The Research of China University Internationalization & Taking Tsinghua University Students Internationalization as Example

  3. 中国加入WTO后,随着教育竞争的加剧,大学国际化理念应运而生,成为了大学的又一次文化觉醒。

    After China 's entry of WTO , with the intensification of education competition , the idea of internationalization of universities emerge as the times require .

  4. 日本是世界上最先提出大学国际化战略的国家。

    Japan is the first to propose internationalized strategy for universities .

  5. 地方综合性大学国际化人才培养模式探索

    Exploring the Modes of Cultivating Internationalized Talents in Local Comprehensive Universities

  6. 中国研究型大学国际化调查及评估指标构建

    The Survey and Evaluation Indicators for Internationalization of Research Universities in China

  7. 大学国际化趋势下的国际合作交流

    On International Cooperation and Exchange under the Trend of Internationalization in Universities

  8. 大学国际化评价指标体系初探

    The Evaluation Index System of Internationalization of Universities

  9. 全球化、大学国际化与大学德育的新使命

    Globalization , Internationalization of University and the New Missions of Moral Education at Universities

  10. 高等教育国际化背景中推进上海大学国际化办学的对策与思考

    Thoughts about Promoting Education Internationalization of Shanghai University in the Trend of Internationalization of Higher Education

  11. 大学国际化的实践与展望

    Practice and Prospect of University Internationalization

  12. 大学国际化平台的构建策略

    Strategy for Internationalization of Universities

  13. 2016全球大学国际化水平排名是由《泰晤士报》高等教育从28个国家的200所大学选出的。

    World 's Most International Universities Ranking 2016 by The Times Higher Education included 200 universities from 28 countries .

  14. 第五部分主要研究美国、日本和澳大利亚等国推进大学国际化所采取的措施及经验。

    The fifth Part studies the measures taken and experience of the United States , Japan and Australia to promote the internationalization of the University .

  15. 在这一决策的引导下,哈工大将实现大学国际化、建设世界一流大学作为自己的奋斗目标。

    Under the direction of this decision , University of HIT will achieve internationalization of university , and build the top university in the world as our goal .

  16. 再次本文在理清美国大学国际化发展过程的基础上对国际化大学的典范&MSU的国际化进行了分析。

    Furthermore , this paper analyzes the internationalization of the MSU which is the model of international university on the basis of internationalized development process of American universities .

  17. 大学国际化建设,就是大学将自身的发展置于国际高等教育发展的浪潮中,在吸取精华的同时弘扬中国优秀传统文化的行为过程。

    The construction of the university internationalization is a behavioral process that a university puts self-development into tidal wave of the development of higher education , imbibes the quintessence and expand Chinese excellent traditional culture at the same time .

  18. 本文在分析大学国际化一般特征的基础上,重点阐述了海外培训课程与大学国际化的关系及其深远的影响,并阐述了海外培训课程质量控制与拓展的举措。

    Based on the analyses of general characteristics of higher education internationalization , the relationship between overseas training courses and higher education internationalization and their profound impact are discussed with emphasis . The measures on quality control and development for the courses are also discussed .

  19. 主要从理念、经营方式、结构、产品的目标市场和内容、机制和配套措施等五个方面对我国大学出版社国际化发展现状进行了分析。第五部分:我国大学出版社国际化发展的SWOT分析。

    Analyze the situation mainly from five aspects : the idea , the modes of operation , the structure , the product target market and content , the related mechanism and the coordinated sets of measures . Part ⅴ: The internationalization development SWOT analysis .

  20. 大学科研国际化意义和作用探讨

    Discussion on Internationalized Significance and Function of University Scientific Research

  21. 中美大学课程国际化的比较分析

    A Comparative Analysis of Internationalization of Curriculum between Chinese and American Universities

  22. 大学教育国际化的选择与对策

    Choice and strategy on internalization of college education

  23. 我国重点大学课程国际化的理论与实践研究

    An Investigation of the Theory and Practice of Chinese Key Universities ' Curriculum Internationalization

  24. 五力竞争模型与我国大学课程国际化

    Five-force Model and the Internationalization of University Curriculum

  25. 基于主成分分析的大学课程国际化程度比较研究

    Comparative Study on the Internalization Degree of College Curriculum Based on Principal Component Analysis

  26. 海外培训课程与大学的国际化

    Overseas Training Courses and Higher-education Internationalization

  27. 论大学教育国际化

    On the Internationalization of College Education

  28. 总结了目前我国重点大学课程国际化的方法主要有三种:注入法、专设法和活动法;

    Summarizes three methods of curriculum internationalization , namely , infusing method , setting-up method , and action method ;

  29. 东亚大学的国际化发展趋势&以北京大学、东京大学和首尔大学为例

    Trend of Internationalization of East Asian Universities : Through Examples of Peking University , Tokyo University and Seoul University

  30. 围绕马里兰大学的国际化发展,初步分析了美国大学国际化发展的历程、益处,以及对我国高校发展的启示。

    Focusing on the international development of Maryland University , this paper analyzes the processes and benefits of internationalization of American universities .