
  • 网络megasporogenesis;macrosporogenesis
  1. 紫荆(CercischinensisBunge)大孢子发生及雌配子体发育的研究

    The studies of Megasporogenesis and megagametogenesis of Cercis chinensis Bunge

  2. 桔梗(PlatycodongrandiflorumA.DC)胚胎学研究&Ⅱ.大孢子发生、雌配子体发育、胚及胚乳发育

    Embryonic Studies On Platycodon grandiflorum A. DC II - Megasporogenesis And Female Gametophyte , Embryo and Endosperm Developments

  3. 本文报道了山茱萸(Cornusofficinalissieb.etZucc.)山茱萸的大孢子发生和雌配子体发育

    Macrosporogenesis and Development of the Female Gametophyte in Cornus officinalis Sieb . et Zucc

  4. 结果表明,韭型(Alliumodorum-type)胚囊大孢子发生时,自大孢子母细胞的珠孔端细胞壁内出现胼胝质荧光,并逐渐扩展到整个细胞壁,中期Ⅰ至末期Ⅰ细胞壁呈现胼胝质荧光。

    The results are as follows : Allium odorum-type & Callose first occurs in the wall of megasporocyte from the micropylar end , then gradually envelops the whole cell . Megasporocyte is surrounded by the wall with callose during metaphase ⅰ, anaphase ⅰ and telephase ⅰ .

  5. 毛百合大孢子发生与雌配子体发育的细胞学观察

    Cytological Observation on Megasporogenesis and Female Gametophyte Development of Lilium dauricum Ker-Gawler

  6. 石刁柏大孢子发生和发育的细胞学观察

    Cytological Observation on Macrosporogenesis and Development in Asparagus Officinalis

  7. 七叶一枝花的大孢子发生、雌配子体形成及多糖变化的观察

    Observations on Megasporogenesis and megagametogenesis and changes in polysaccharides in Paris polyphylla SM

  8. 小孢子发生及雄配子体发育均早于大孢子发生及雌配子体发育。

    The development and formation of microspore or microgametophyte are all earlier than those of megaspore and megagametophyte .

  9. 以20年生白桦的雌花序为材料,研究了白桦的大孢子发生、雌配子体形成和胚胎发育过程。

    This paper describes megasporogenesis , megagametogenesis , and the process of embryonic development of the female inflorescence in20-year-old Betula platyphylla .

  10. 实验结果表明,过氧化物酶同工酶与大孢子发生、胚囊形成以及柱头乳头细胞的分化过程有密切的关系;

    The results of experiments showed that peroxidase isozymes related closely with the development of macrospore , the formation of embryo sac and the differentiation of stigma mammilliform cell .

  11. 其大孢子发生和雌配子体发育过程正常,大孢子母细胞减数分裂形成线形或T形四分体,合点端大孢子为功能大孢子,胚囊发育属蓼型。

    In female flowers , megasporogenesis and development of female gametophytes were normal : the tetrad of megaspores was linear or T shaped ; the chalazal megaspore was usually functional ; the development of embryo sac was of the Polygonum type .

  12. 本研究对荔枝大孢子发生和雌配子体的发育,及其淀粉的动态和引起座果率低的原因,作了较详细的观察,结果如下:(1)子房两室,每室具一个胚珠。

    The megasporogenesis , the development of female gametophyte , starch distribution in trees and the factors causing low fruit set were investigated in detail with the following results : 1 . Each ovary has two locules with one ovule in each locule .

  13. 用脱色苯胺兰诱导荧光的方法观察了蚕豆大孢子发生期间细胞壁胼胝质的变化,结果如下:1.MMC发育早期,其细胞壁上未见骈胝质积累;

    Observations on behavior of callose deposition in the cell walls during megasporogenesis in broad beau have been made using the method of leuco aniline blue-induced fluorescence . The results are summarized as follows : ( 1 ) Callose was absent in the wall of megasporocyte at early prophase .

  14. 延龄草(TrilliumtschonoskiiMaxim.)的胚胎学研究初报Ⅰ.&大孢子的发生及雌配子体的形成

    Investigation on embryology of Trillium tschonoskii maxim . ⅰ . & megasporogenesis and the formation of the female gametophyte

  15. 对早开堇菜(ViolaprionanthaBunge)大孢子的发生和雌配子体发育的观察结果显示,早开堇菜子房1室,3心皮;

    Observed on Viola prionantha Bunge the development of megasporogenesis and the formation of female gametophyte , results demonstrated that , Viola prionantha Bunge ovary 1 room early , 3 carpels ;

  16. 授粉70d,常温下的蝴蝶兰植株已完成雌配子体发育和双受精,而低温处理的蝴蝶兰仍未完成大孢子的发生过程。

    Although the megagametophyte formed and even the double fertilization had been finished 70 days after pollination at normal temperature , the megasporogenesis had not yet been finished at low temperature .

  17. 其大孢子的发生和胚囊的发育与普通小麦相同,三个雌蕊中主雌蕊的发育较为领先。

    The megasporogenesis and development of embryo sac is same as common wheat . The primary pistil developed first in three pistils .

  18. 用常规石蜡切片技术,对黄花菜大孢子和小孢子的发生及雌、雄配子体发育进行了研究,结果表明:花药壁发育为单子叶型。

    This paper studies the megasporogenesis , microsporogenesis and development of female and male megasporogenesis by way of paraffin wax of Hemerocallis citrine Baroni .

  19. 金色狗尾草的大、小孢子发生及雌、雄配子体发育大黍的大小孢子发生、雌雄配子体发育及其淀粉动态

    Mega and Microsporogenesis , Development of Female and Male Gametophyte and Starch Dynamics in Panicum maximum