
dà hǎo shí ɡuānɡ
  • golden years;prime of one's life
  1. 别闲磨大好时光!

    Don 't idle away your precious time .

  2. 中年人,巴特继续写道,可以遥望远处的死亡,但是他们趁还有大好时光,以“慎重而缓慢的节奏”去完成那些远大而新生的事业。

    The middle-aged person , Barth continued , can see death in the distance , but moves with a " measured haste " to get big new things done while there is still time .

  3. 然而,由于牌照争议,日经225指数这一与道琼斯工业平均指数(DowJonesIndustrialAverage)齐名的股指错过了ETF基金的大好时光。

    Yet the Nikkei 225 , the Japanese equivalent of the Dow Jones industrial average , has sat out the ETF boom , thanks to licensing disputes .

  4. 与众不同的人的大好时光来临了。

    Homework people who are different , their time is coming .

  5. 每天早晨都是激励自己的大好时光!

    Every morning is a big time for screwing us up .

  6. 这是开拓进取的大好时光。

    This is an excellent time to forge on ahead .

  7. 他年轻时赌博,失去了自己的大好时光。

    He gave away his best times by gambling when he was young .

  8. 美国的高档社区又迎来了大好时光。

    THE GOOD TIMES are rolling again in the country 's toniest neighborhoods .

  9. 朋友偶尔相聚畅谈上学时的大好时光

    The friends meet occasionally to chat about the good old days at school

  10. 似乎每个人都会花费相当数量的大好时光用在为未来而担心。

    Almost everyone spends a considerable amount of present moments worrying about the future .

  11. 我才应该道歉我毁了今夜的大好时光

    I 'm the one who 's sorry . I 've ruined the evening .

  12. 忧虑纯粹只会浪费你的大好时光。

    Worrying is most often just a waste of the time you have here .

  13. 我思量,如果我是在那边镇上的话,如今该是我的大好时光了。

    I reckoned I would have great times now if I was over at the town .

  14. 她的大好时光已经过去。

    She has past her prime .

  15. 不要把大好时光浪费掉,坐下来读点书或做点别的什么事儿。

    Don 't just idle away your precious time ; settle down to some reading or something .

  16. 我觉得现在是你人生中的大好时光,要对生活有点期望。

    I find that the time like this is always the best to keep a little perspective on life .

  17. 但是他们为什么要放弃自己的“大好时光”去学习一些他们几乎不敢兴趣的事情?

    But why should they give up their " best years " to study things that barely hold their interest ?

  18. 结果,好男人空将大好时光,尽付于如何得到女孩的空想中。

    As a result , nice guys spend their every waking moment , dreaming of how they can get the girl .

  19. 正是这个缘故,斯图尔特和布伦特在塔拉农场走廊里聊天,消磨这四月傍晚的大好时光。

    It was for this precise reason that Stuart and Brent were idling on the porch of Tara this April afternoon .

  20. 我衷心希望同学们珍惜大好时光,刻苦学习知识,长大成为对社会有用的人。

    I sincerely hope that all the students study hard in the good times and grow into useful talents to society .

  21. 我们认为今后有的时间,因此我们年轻时浪费了很多大好时光。

    We think there is plenty of time ahead of us , so we idle away much of our time in youth .

  22. 还是你的伴侣奉行“珍惜大好时光”的理念而你却不能忍受呢?

    Or is it your partner who is first to it with a seize the day mentality that you just cannot stand ?

  23. 表面上看,对于已在中国推出基金产品的投资管理公司而言,现在应该是大好时光。

    On the face of it , these should be great times for the investment management companies that have launched funds in China .

  24. 那就是现在,然而,许多人却在悔恨过去和担忧未来之中浪费了大好时光。

    That be now , however , many persons but wasted big good time in the regret pastly with the misgiving the future .

  25. 准时到达对大多数人而言是显而易见的事情,但是有些人没有意识到,迟到不仅会给别人留下坏印象,也会浪费一整天的大好时光。

    This may be obvious to most people - but some don 't realize that showing up late can not only leave a bad impression , but also throw off your entire day .

  26. 杜鹃不屑地说:“浪费大好时光,卧在巢里去孵雏,做那种事简直愚笨如猪!我总是在别的鸟巢里下蛋,让它们替我孵。”

    The cuckoo explained with disdainfulness , " It 's literally a waste of time and stupid to stay in the nest and hatch eggs . Instead I have laid eggs in others " nests and let other birds to do the hatching job .

  27. 我怀念那些景气大好的美好旧时光。

    I miss the good old days when the economy was booming .