
  • 网络Goddess;Megale Thea;Great Goddess
  1. 在大女神的庇护下,人类和谐而和平地相处着。

    Under the love and protection of the Great Goddess , human beings live in harmony with each other .

  2. 本文从古代神话中试图寻找、剥离、确认大女神,并涉及其崇拜意义。

    The purpose of the article is to seek peel off and affirm The Great Goddess and meaning the worship concerned .

  3. 以下为中国代表团的十大女神运动员,她们不仅为国家带来巨大荣誉,也带来了体育之美。

    Here is a list of the 10 most beautiful female athletes competing for China . They bring great honor to the country as well as to the literal beauty of sports .

  4. 第二部分:以大女神原型为核心,通过聚焦其正负两面特质:善良大女神和恐怖大女神,展示长女们集体无意识的巨大重力作用,表现父权话语场的强势控制。

    The second section : with the core of the type of BIG Goddess , focusing on its positive and negative characters , " fine Big Goddess " and " terror Big Goddess ", revealing collective subconscious gravitational force .

  5. 弥达斯是伊达山大女神和一位姓名不详的英雄的儿子。他是马其顿勃洛弥恩的好寻欢作乐的国王。

    Midas , son of the GREat goddess of ida , by a hero whosename is not remembered , was a pleasureloving king of macedonian bromium , where he ruled over the brigians and planted his famous rose gardens .