
  1. 同时,在城市绿地、公园建设和大型标志性建筑中,人工湖泊、人工河道及景观水池不断涌现。

    Therefore , in the many landmark constructions , man-made lakes , rivers and landscape ponds flourish .

  2. 在华夏文明起源问题上,学术界多以城市、文字、青铜器、大型宗教性建筑等物质指标作为评判文明形态是否产生的标准。

    As for the origin of a civilization , Academic circles usually base their conclusion on city , writing , bronze ware and big religious building .

  3. 大型综合性商业建筑空调设计中几个问题的商榷

    Some Issues of Large Multi-purpose Commerical Building HVAC Design

  4. 他拥有25层的高品质办公楼与广场内涉外公寓已经其他综合配套,共同组成一座大型综合性地标建筑。

    He has25 layers of high quality office building and Plaza Apartments and other integrated form a complete set , composed of a large-scale comprehensive landmark .

  5. 随着城市化发展及生产经营的需要,建筑物的功能也越来越多样化,尤其是大型综合性商业建筑、高层建筑、地下建筑和大空间建筑迅速兴起。

    With the development of urbanization and economic advancement , structural function is made more and more diversification , especially so much good-sized all-around commercial building , high-rise building , substruction and large-space building rise up .

  6. 通过对遵化市国际会展中心工程的设计案例分析,阐述了大型综合性高层建筑的给排水和消防给水的设计思路。

    By means of case analysis on the design of International Convention and Exhibition Center project in Zunhua , the design concept concerning the water and wastewater , and fire water supply in large-scale comprehensive high-rise buildings was described .